Please be welcomed to clraik - a new forum for game cheating, auto-playing, selling, buying, trading, and much more! Many of you are probably coming from where I, myself, originally came from. The reason I made clraik is to part with my previous partner and start my own community.
For those of you who don't know who I am. My name is Infamous Joe and I am a programmer who makes tools for sites like Neopets, which give you an advantage in the game. These tools utilize no code made by Neopets or any other site and are made entirely based on my own resources. If you are reading this, chances are you have used my programs before.
The site needs much work but while I am on my winter break I will be heavily busy with changing the forum and adding many new features, such as a new skin. Please tell all of your friends about clraik, it is fairly new and is not yet known by many.
There is a lot more to post but I'd like to end it here. Welcome to clraik and enjoy your stay.