Bunnii (4 Days Ago),♥ Catra ♥ (4 Days Ago),Erik. (4 Days Ago),pillowfighter (4 Days Ago)
New colour: Oil Paint
New outfit: Vintage Boxer Zafara
SMH on the lack of QC on the left glove.
New wearable: Fluffy Zafara Markings
New item: (you need an account to see links)
Bunnii (4 Days Ago),♥ Catra ♥ (4 Days Ago),Erik. (4 Days Ago),pillowfighter (4 Days Ago)
why are the colors and outfits so lackluster tho...
Open To See My Art Of My Fav Pokemonbet you cant guess it
I kind of like the oil paint? Maybe? idk...
always meant to make a zafara but haven't yet and these items/colors don't quite convince me to haha
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amazing stack by the talented (you need an account to see links)!
Zafaras done dirty just like last year. Boooooring![]()
Ummie and Vape made by the awesome GWN
my own special userbar made by Lyrichord
and the awesomest ryus made by GWN, Infected & Lyrichord![]()
Aero (3 Days Ago)
That was certainly a decision. Zafara is one of my favourite neopets. How sad.
userbar: Charmander
Roland SP-55 by: Honeycomb
My contributions:
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(you need an account to see links)
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by: hearts
Ryu art by dankRUSE
Hmm I do like the oil painting a bit but agreed that overall these are pretty bland!
Thank you (you need an account to see links) for my pup and (you need an account to see links) for the UBs!
Oil paint Zafara design was me as a kid using every crayon on one animal picture for my mom
Erik. (3 Days Ago),Synth Salazzle (3 Days Ago),Woobat (3 Days Ago)
That's just meh. The color's not bad I guess.
honestly it was a miss in all of the options for me x.x