Hell yeah! Mine are way over the threshold! Super excited about this update.
However wish they would fix the defender of neopia so I can get the Trophies and avatars
Lyrichord (2 Weeks Ago)
Quite unexpected news, but I think its great. Hopefully it means other BD upgrades are coming soon!
real men play neopets
Thats pretty dope! I just recently got into the BD an have my first lvl 100 pet although the training takes ages! Cant imagine to have 700+ on one stat someday
Time to buy cookies I guess.
Catra (2 Weeks Ago)
It's about time really, so I'm very happy with this update! Also it's amazing that they're actively paying attention to even the smaller details like this one. Hopefully this means tougher plot opponents, and more BD stuff in general like DoN or something similar.
While seemingly not a significant change, I do think this is a pleasant improvement, and it probably shows TNT is at least paying attention to the BD.
Last edited by darkvger; 2 Weeks Ago at 04:04 AM.
Ooooh that's why I suddenly do more damage using the same weapons. Too bad 850 is still way too low compared to my BD pet's stats. I'd do sick damage if it would be up to par.
Ummie and Vape made by the awesome GWN
my own special userbar made by Lyrichord
and the awesomest ryus made by GWN, Infected & Lyrichord![]()
Its kind of a weird situation though. Its nice those have increased for people that have those stats. For people who trained to hit the previous specific numbers I don't know that it encourages us to keep training that much. With the current prizes in the shop you can easily overkill most things. If you are looking to train your pet to the new max stats assuming you stopped at the previous target your looking at what? 50 trainings in level to allow 100 trainings in offense, 100 trainings in defense? Which at the secret academy is going to cost you ~8 hours a training? So around 2,000 hours of training or 83 consecutive days of training. Don't feel really motivated to grind that out when the plot just allows you to challenge lower level opponents more times for the same point reward. Maybe more changes are coming that make this make sense but right now its just odd decisions that I don't really feel like drives much engagement.
It's more symbolic, than anything. To show that TNT is a) Actively updating things and b) Listening to an often ignored aspect and community of Neopets, the BDers. But you make a good point that if this isn't something that leads to bigger changes and improvements, it will ring kind of hollow, at the end of the day. Dom has made it clear DoN isn't happening, at least insofar as bringing back the old challengers, but hopefully they'll be actually making the Void challengers more difficult in Chapter 2. When they said that initially before the plot was released, it was a total joke and I don't think they really had an understanding of what "challenging" was. Either way, it's nice to see they're touching code that hasn't been updated in decades. It does provide a little optimism.
synthetic (1 Week Ago)