B (2 Weeks Ago),ak l av a Cinnamoroll (2 Weeks Ago),DANK (2 Weeks Ago),Devoured (2 Weeks Ago),Infected (2 Weeks Ago),j03 (2 Weeks Ago),Synth Salazzle (2 Weeks Ago),Zenitsu (2 Weeks Ago)
I saw its 2025 on the calendar, and I decided it would be criminal if I let it get to an entire decade of being on ck and still being a newbie
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So here I am!! Hi clraik! Idk how to introduce myself on online spaces, so I've decided I'll share some of my most embarrassing moments, in chronological order, for funsies! (What is an online forum, if not a modern confessional booth?):
*2nd grade, peed while on the swing at recess. it hit several people who then had to go home.
*Presented my middle school science fair project in my homemade, really awful made-the-night-before Castiel cosplay. It was a great project. I proceeded to go in the same costume all the way up to the state science fair, missing regionals by one place
*When I was in middle school I had an online BFF (awoooo) I met playing transformice (real ones will know - room 5 represent) that I texted with everyday all day long about our lives for years. I did this all pretending to be a guy named "James Barnes" because I was a marvel fangirl?? l one day in early high school someone came into the chat room and realized my name was a marvel reference... I thought my whole assumed life was over and I'd been caught. I stopped responding to awooo's messages completely. The last thing I saw from her was a message on her birthday saying all she wanted to know was why I didn't talk to her anymore. I blocked her.... I cannot find her to apologize.
*I was once invited to give a TEDx talk, for an experiment I completely faked for a test grade, and threw up and passed out in front of my class and the principal as soon as I got the news. I did not give the talk.
*I told my family I had married my husband 3 years before I actually got married. I still don't know why I did this.
I'm very grateful most of these are now far enough in the past that I can sleep at night :') I'd like to thank my frontal cortex for fully developing.
If anyone else wants to share embarrassing moments to make me laugh and/or experience second hand embarrassment from, I'd love to hear them.
OH LASTLY I'm a tumblrina and always following neopians.... I'd love to have some clraik mutuals if youre on tumblr at all? send me your username and I'll follow!
back on neopets god save us all
B (2 Weeks Ago),ak l av a Cinnamoroll (2 Weeks Ago),DANK (2 Weeks Ago),Devoured (2 Weeks Ago),Infected (2 Weeks Ago),j03 (2 Weeks Ago),Synth Salazzle (2 Weeks Ago),Zenitsu (2 Weeks Ago)
Welcome to the socialization of the forum! since you shared a funny embarrassing story from school I will too!
In PE in like 6ish grade we were running laps indoors, they played music through a stereo and i was running and tripped on it, the music stopped, everyone stopped and just stared at me. I died instantly
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hewwo~ check our deez buttons 'ere and links below
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Welcome to cK! That list of embarrassing moments, wow! Each word was like a crescendo and it just kept getting funnier, thank you for that!
Mine is from a couple years ago I was at a cousins wedding. And we had a friend in our childhood who we were seeing for the first time in decades at this wedding. I knew he had a preteen daughter. Anyway he shows up with this little girl we're all happy to see him, I hug him, give the girl a little pat on her head and tell her how she looks EXACTLY like her father.
It was his wife. She's just a really short 35 year old and looks like a 12 year old. And I patted her on the head and told her she looks exactly like her husband. Didn't make eye contact with her for the rest of the night.
But anyway, see you around Mr. Barnes!
♥ Catra ♥ (2 Weeks Ago)
Welcome to the community! Well this sharing of embarassing moments makes me wanna share my most recent (yesterday):
I went home from dance class with my headphones on blasting the spiderverse music. Although I had the volume pretty loud my speakers only played it faintly...
well turns out my phone wasnt connected to the headphones and the people on the street heard me listen to the creepy "Spot Holes" soundtrack hell yeah
Better late than never! Thanks for sharing your worst moments so we can get to know your best ones!
userbar: Charmander
Roland SP-55 by: Honeycomb
My contributions:
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by: hearts
Ryu art by dankRUSE
Hello and welcome!So exciting to see that I'm not the only one who has been a newbie for waaaay too long here!
2025 is going to be our year for being active forum members!!
As a stress-fainter myself, I strongly resonate with your TEDx story lol. Did anyone ever find out about the faked experiment?
does it matter?
A belated welcome but, welcome welcome!!
Always glad to see new faces around and stick around after introducing themselves! ❤️