Excalibur (1 Week Ago),Masterplayer44 (1 Week Ago)
apparently trading begins tonight/tomorrow/there is a new update coming out shortly... 👀
♥ Stardust ♥ Lyrichord ♥ TsUNaMy WaVe ♥ Zenitsu ♥
Excalibur (1 Week Ago),Masterplayer44 (1 Week Ago)
GrarrlMunch (1 Week Ago),Masterplayer44 (1 Week Ago),Woobat (1 Week Ago)
Woah, a lot of cool cards, I'm still stuck trying to get things I need from the original sets. Lol
J_L_K_64 rules you.
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Pulled my first 10 pull from the Dialga pack a bit ago and it went W I L D!
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GrarrlMunch (1 Week Ago),Mothman (2 Days Ago)
The new trading mechanics sound awful.
userbar: Charmander
Roland SP-55 by: Honeycomb
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by: hearts
Ryu art by dankRUSE
Basically, instead of just making it so you can trade with your friends, they put multiple stipulations on trades. So every 24 hours you get 1 trade token which is used to trade common cards, but to trade rarer cards, you need a special token, right now they gave everyone some as a player reward, but the only current way to get more tokens to trade rarer cards, is to turn your rare cards, into those tokens first, so say for example, I have 3 Charizard EX cards, I can use 2 of them to turn into trade tokens, which will leave me with 1 left. Makes it very difficult to help your friends who just started playing with extra cards you may have that way.
J_L_K_64 rules you.
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GrarrlMunch (1 Week Ago),Synth Salazzle (1 Week Ago),Woobat (1 Week Ago)
I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. What was nintendo thinking? What's the point in trading your spare rare if you have to turn your spare into a token? Unfortunately that has completely put me off trying the game. Collecting and trading is the entire point of a TGC. So we're going to make trading next to impossible if you happen to have a spare as a casual player?
I'll stick with TGC shop simulator I think.
userbar: Charmander
Roland SP-55 by: Honeycomb
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by: hearts
Ryu art by dankRUSE
Woobat (1 Week Ago)
Frankly, I uninstalled the game a few weeks ago: solo battling is tedious, and drawing the same bunch of cards every time is disheartening. (I have plenty of sparkly cards, at least!)