Zenitsu (05-01-2024)
Why bother grinding anything in the game, which has been my sentiment for awhile now? Why have goals and save for things when the value can be blown up completely and make things worthless.
Personally I hope they put AC things in the daily quest. Put things that many people have so their value tanks. Maybe then people will be a little more upset about this situation. Currently not as many people mind because they don’t have these items that are being released anyway. It does get a little tiring to watch the value on rare items tank every month.
Gotta get to a point where there is no point. Just feed your pet, play with it, play a game and collect your free stuff.
The thing that makes me laugh the most is people who are among the first to get these previously high value items who post on the TP like “JN says 200m, I’ll take 190†or something like that.
Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree
Those people'll cut you open just to watch you bleed
Always be yourself, not the person that you pretend to be, no!
Zenitsu (05-01-2024)
I don’t get why more people aren’t upset. Don’t they see this can ruin the game eventually?
I'm all about these rare items being re-released. I can't be too mad given the whole Candychan Stamp situation with the advent calendar at this point.
I've moved on. We're at the hand of god (Neopets) lol to choose what is to be deflated at this point and there's no use worrying about it at this point if it means more accessibility in the game.
Delibird's Showdown / Guides
Art by @Charmander
The Dynamic Duo:
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
Autobot (05-01-2024),♥ Blissey ♥ (05-03-2024),Buizel (05-01-2024),SomeClown (05-01-2024)
Delibird's Showdown / Guides
Art by @Charmander
The Dynamic Duo:
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
[GUIDE] (you need an account to see links)
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Charizard (05-01-2024)
See, people are different. For me, for example, it's perfectly ok and also, the whole point in the game, to, as you said it, feed my pet, play with it, play a game and collect - not free stuff but stuff I like (avatars, trophies). I have zero interest in showing off my achievements to anyone in the game, neither have I in earning NPs for the sake of being rich. So I couldn't care less about the economy of the game and exclusivity of items etc. What I want is to be given the possibility to obtain my goals and if my goals are obtainable, even when the chance is very slim, then there's a point in playing. When they are not, and, I'm sorry, but older avvies are literally impossible to get, collector's trophies for the most part too, then there's no point for me to play. You asked ironically about paying for old avvies - I would LOVE to be able to have a chance to work hard towards obtaining them. Paying for them? No, that's not interesting. Them being made available somehow - heck, yes!
♥ Blissey ♥ (05-03-2024)
Seeing more people happy with the results, than pessimism over loss of revenue? Positive move foreard.
Thank you $Infected for the FANTASTIC upgrade to my forum look!
I just got a Glass Negg, not sure if its new though.
Thanks DankRUSE for the food!
Thanks Munna & chiquitabanane for the avatar!
Everybody plays differently. If this doesn’t impact you then I’m sure you don’t really mind it. People don’t usually have too many strong opinions until it truly impacts them. So I get what you’re saying.
I think that’s going to be the case moving forward because the people who owned these expensive items are likely in the minority. So I don’t think it’s surprising that there’s more positives than negatives. With that said, there are over 65,000 items in the game. I find it strange that everybody wanted these items for their collections rather than any of the thousands of other items. My view is they wanted them because they were rare and hard to acquire. Now that they are junk, they will be just another item sitting around that is unimpressive. I’m personally not so much worried about revenue as just the value of my things when I trade them around. Most of these big items don’t often sell for $$$ anyway.
I think this will stifle the economy overall though. Why would anybody buy or trade higher end items when next week TNT could mass release them? What’s the point in playing games, participating in plots, or putting in any sort of effort when at the drop of a hat that effort could be rendered pointless. This kind of fosters an absence of prestige, which is the point of any game. Nobody plays a game to be mediocre and go nowhere. You play a game to progress, build your achievements and move up the “ranksâ€.
I dont see this quest log slowly down anytime soon, but I’ll still complain about it everytime they kill 99% of the value of an item. Not sure what their ultimate motives are, but it is a bit frustrating and discouraging to continue playing.
Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree
Those people'll cut you open just to watch you bleed
Always be yourself, not the person that you pretend to be, no!
Buizel (05-01-2024),Delibird (05-01-2024),Ice (05-02-2024),RicoBandito (05-05-2024)