I'm wondering if anyone here can help me with this....I don't understand this mumbojumbo.

I can choose 4 different health plans. 2 are high deductible plans which I am not choosing. The other is an "Allied with Aetna Network" and the other is Allied "Reference Based Pricing." So does the first one mean I get coverage through Aetna?
The RBP means I can go with whatever provider I want to whether in network or out network and they just negotiate the prices.

The reason I am asking is that my adhd/dyslexia specialist takes Aetna, I see nothing about Allied which I guess is just 3rd party stuff? Idk.
I have no clue if I can go to them with these insurances but I kind of need to. Their office is closed today and getting answers from my benefits team takes a couple of days.
I don't know if I can be seen with either of them but the RBP is $13 less than Allied w/Aetna so I'd prefer that, but if I can't use any of these with the specialist I'm kinda screwed.

I already checked the marketplace and those are laughably expensive even with the full tax credit included. If anyone can help provide more info on the 2 plans I'm looking at that'd be super helpful, will +rep of course.