One of the only game avatars I still need is to be on the top 50 scoreboard for Korbat's Lab, except...

Since flash broke, the game's been absolutely unplayable?

The rest of the games on the site have worked fine more or less, and much more reliably once neopets brought their classic games room back into play, but before that I have attempted multiple times to try and capitalize on the low amount of users that had access to a playable Korbat's Lab so I could grab that illusive, and very tough to get, top 50 score.

The issue is this:
When starting the game and pressing space bar to launch the ball off the platform, the ball moves 3 pixels and then stops. Said ball hovers in the air above the paddle endlessly. Nothing can change this. Even using some of the coded cheats like typing in 'destroy' to launch 10+ extra balls, they all explode and have zero momentum, stay still. You can still move the paddle around, you can still skip the levels using the code (no level works at all that I can find) and even waiting thirty seconds for the little flame to turn purple and try to launch the ball into a random direction to kickstart it won't work.

And even still, people are sending scores on Korbat's Lab? Every month there's a few users. Is this issue just me? Has anyone found a way around this? I tried asking about this on reddit a while back and nobody had any solutions, but I didn't make a specific thread just posted once on a Wednesday FAQ. Thought you guys might have better insight on this one.