
I'm currently in the midst of learning how to code python. I've done html and css in the past but it's all pretty basic stuff. I'm now thinking about a dressing-up project similar to Neopet's DTI but for another game and I have a few questions as to how DTI works. I hope someone with experience can guide me a little on this.

1. What does DTI use to display the pet + outfits? It's flash right? Are there any other alternatives to using flash?

2. If I have all the source files (of base char + outfits), would it be easy to create a website with the ability similar to DTI using html? If not, what coding language would I have to use for this?

3. The model for the game uses a 2d plane with a 3d model (means the base char can be turned around) whereas it's different from DTI. I believe that would add a lot more layers of complexity into creating it. If anyone could give any advice/guidelines for this that would be great. >.<

4. There is already a current dress-up model but it is attached as an add-on to the game and as such, is only accessible within the game itself. I'm trying to re-create it on a website instead for remote usage - would I be able to reuse anything from the addon source files for a website? I know this is pretty vague and it's hard to tell, and I wouldn't know how to go about extracting the addon source files either but I was just curious.

Thanks for reading!