I play GTA 5 Online on my PS4, and I don't really have a stable group of friends to play with that will help me complete the Prison Break Heist since every time I host, people tend to leave or quit on me last minute. I'd really like to have a stable group of friends to complete heists and play with in general (for the bonuses, for fun, and for the sake of FINALLY completing the prison break heist). I don't have a mic since it broke, so I hope y'all are okay with not hearing me talk or just playing with me in general! I have social anxiety/anxiety in general, so it's hard for me to play games hearing other people talk, rage, and interact with one another if that makes sense. I'm pretty decent at the game, but I'm not a total badass or pro at it, so I do apologize in advance If anyone would like to play with me, please reply to this board or PM me! Thank you for reading!!