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Thread: Illicit Drugs

  1. #11

    Jul 2014
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    This is a tough one. I believe in very little government control but grew up in the opoid belt and have seen quite a bit of destruction caused by them. It's kind of hard to have faith in humanity to freely use drugs. That being said--I think a lot of progress could be made with us being more open minded to psychedelic use--especially when it comes to treating addiction.

  2. #12
    Donatella Versace's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone should be able to tell me what I put in my body.

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  4. #13
    Spohia's Avatar
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    I find this topic really interesting, so I thought I'd chime in with my own personal views.

    What're your opinions about the Illicit Drugs like Weed, Cocaine, MDMA, LSD, Meth, Psychedelic Shrooms, Heroine, Crack, Ayahuasca and many others?
    Weed is legal here (Canada), and to be completely honest I haven't noticed any difference between now and when it was illegal. My sibling is a big stoner, as is their spouse. They smoke just as much as they did when it was illegal, only now they feel less nervous doing it in a crowded campsite lol. I personally don't enjoy weed - I've tried regular thc sativa and indica, as well as shatter (synthetic weed) - I found both just made me lazy and spaced out at best, paranoid and nauseous at worst. I have also tried low THC/high CBD joints, I found these didn't make me high, just a bit more carefree I suppose? I tried it for menstrual pain/endometriosis - it didn't dull the pain so much as made me not care about the pain, if that makes sense. Unfortunately so far I've found stuff like tylenol and NSAIDs (over the counter) work best for my pain management.

    I would love to try shrooms, but I doubt I ever will. I'm anxious at heart and I'd be worried about it not being a good time - which I've heard makes it more likely to not be a good time!

    I haven't tried any other illicit drug, though I know people who had cocaine and MDMA issues in their early 20s. I personally didn't like how they acted when high. Can't say much on the other drugs you've listed, other than hearing from most that heroin/meth/crack et al is the really bad stuff.

    Do you think every drug should be legallized? Or just some of them? Or none of them?
    I'm very much for legalization of less addictive drugs, which can include weed (though I've met addicts of pot, definitely) and shrooms/ayahuasca/other hallucinogens', apparently. I do think users of ANY drug should not be treated as harshly by the justice system as they are. Addicts are not the bad guys - dealers and producers of 'bad' drugs are (by bad here I mean drugs that are tainted or impure, or cut with something like fentanyl that can cause great harm or death at low doses).

    Do you consider alcoohol and nicotine as drugs? It should be illegal? Do you think alcoohol or nicotine are worst than any drugs?
    Yes 1000% they are drugs. I grew up with an alcoholic father who has since quit - alcohol TRULY alters who you are when drunk, and the dependancy most people form on alcohol is horrible to see. My dad would go from funny, fun-locing guy to verbally abusive monster within a few hours.

    As a previous smoker (quit in March of 2020!) I would also classify nicotine as a drug. I tried for a year to quit and it was insanely hard. I had only smoked for 4-5 years prior to this as well, so it wasn't a decade(s) long habit either. I ended up using a prescription drug to quit bcause cold turkey, patches, lozenges, etc wasn't working.

    IMO they should be at the very least much more regulated than they are now, but like with my comment about illicit drugs above, production companies should face the most legal scrutiny, not addicts.

    Do you believe on medicinal uses of drugs for treating some diaseases, depression? Why do you think that? You've researched about that?
    I have seen CBD help my fiance's crohn's disease pain and a friend's social anxiety. I've also read very small anecdotes on microdosing psilocybin mushrooms for pain and illness treatment/general health. But I haven't done much research on anything.

    Do you think decriminalize some kind of drugs would decrease traffic and violence or would be the opposite?
    It would help, for sure. Dealers in my experience are the ones inciting violence, and producers of illicit drugs are the ones cutting them/mixing them with other stuff, like fentanyl as mentioned above. It's hard for me to say exactly how the effects of decriminalization would play out in my own country, as I said, legalization of weed didn't seem to make a big difference here in how many people used or anything.

    Do you know someone whose has been lost by the drugs? What I mean... the person turned someone completly different from whom you knew before.
    As mentioned (sorry lol, didn't go through the questions altogether beforehand!) my dad used to drink and was a terrible person when drunk. As for illicit drug use, I haven't known anyone personally that went through drug addiction to this extent (that I know of).

    If you're agaisnt drugs liberation, what actions should take the law reinforcements to deal with drugs?
    Not against it persay, but it needs to be done right. I don't think legalizing everything is the right way to go.

    Something my city has done are supervised injection sites with medical staff on hand in case of overdose. Individuals can go in anonymously and use drugs using clean, sterilized equipment in a private environment with a nurse/EMT on hand should something happen. Pharmacies also give out naloxone kits for cases of accidental overdose. This is all more along the lines of responses to the problem though, rather than solutions. I can't say what should be done as I honestly haven't given it much thought.

    o o f

    Call me Soph

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  6. #14
    Yoon's Avatar
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    What're your opinions about the Illicit Drugs like Weed, Cocaine, MDMA, LSD, Meth, Psychedelic Shrooms, Heroine, Crack, Ayahuasca and many others? I know Weed is legal in some places of USA and at the Netherlands, but in general world it's illegal.

    i've done just about everything you could imagine and it's left me thinking drugs are pretty missunderstood at large - a huuuge amount of damage that drugs do can be negated with harm reduction practices, but under a framework of prohibition this information is tucked away out of site, covered with a veneer of shock stories and scare tactics.

    MDMA, for example, was invented by a guy alex shulgin who had a circle of close friends in various intellectual fields - authors, psychologists, etc and they would meet up to try it, and other drugs invented by him, for research purposes with usually very positive results because the drugs were done under professional supervision (literally with the guy who invented each substance). some of his therapist friends even gave mdma to clients during talk therapy, making breakthroughs due to the lowered inhibitions and general openness it provided, before the law pushed that all away. (source: Pihkal by alexander shulgin) we're only just seeing a return to looking into the true potential of illicit substances that researches have been too scared to touch for years - there's current research going on into MDMA, Ketamine, and LSD for therapeutic purposes, and from my personal experience, these substances when done 'safely' can provide alot for self development and personal insight, alongside treating addiction, breaking habits etc (psychedelics increase neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to "rewire" somewhat) it's important to remember that even amphetamines, a VERY stigmatized substance, can be life changing medicine for some people. what other substances have untapped potential? if you look at history, many.

    from my personal experience, psychedelics have been a huge shaping factor in who i am today, and after about 6 years of experimenting with whatever i could get my hands on, the only times i've had negative consequences are when i've gotten slack with harm reduction practices. imo drugs are tools that can be used productively, or mishandled entirely.
    unfortunately, i cant say much for heroin, coke, or meth - these substances cross the line psychedelics don't, and can cause physical harm and are addictive (weed, psychedelics, and mdma are not actually "Addictive' in a pharmacological sense, but can certainly be habit forming and psychologically addictive) opioids are very enjoyable for me, but that's why i avoid them, cokes fun, but unlike psychedelics i find myself having gained nothing the next day - no insight

    i'm realizing i could literally go on forever here, so i'll stick to answering the questions from now!

    What're or was your experiences with these?
    i suppose i kind of answered this above - but to sum up, mostly positive
    for amphetamines (have only tried this not methamphetamine) they make me super jittery and aren't my thing
    for weed, its does me alot of favors and i smoke most nights for insomnia. it sure beats sleeping pills, but it can totally be a fast route to escapism if overdone. if i don't smoke until night time, i have productive well rounded days, but if i smoke in the morning the days likely gonna be a write off
    for LSD, well i can't even sum up what its done for me, but i like to take some psychedelic or another every 6 months or so to keep my brain feeling fresh
    mushrooms gave me the craziest trip of my life, i went to hell and back and wrote a letter to myself on the comedown - more personal insight than any therapy session has given me
    DMT (main active ingredient in ayhuasca) is pretty sweet too, but i've still found more profundity in mushrooms, i suppose due to the longer length of effects. a sub breakthrough dose of DMT every now and then is enough to keep me in love with the world and keep seeing it with fresh eyes

    Do you think every drug should be legalized?
    not necessarily - it would be a shame to see large corporations profiting off of psychedelics, something that should always be free or very cheap. I see them as something that should be a right, not something that should be capitalized upon. im pro decriminalization of course

    Do you consider alcohol and nicotine as drugs? It should be illegal? Do you think alcoohol or nicotine are worst than any drugs? If you feel like posting data, I personally would appreciate!
    absolutely, it effects your receptors - the book food of the god makes a pretty compelling case for even sugar and spices being drugs - i absolutely agree with sugar. it just gets pretty hard to define a drug when you get down to brass tacks? something that is outside of your body that you consume which releases dopamine? sounds about right, but that includes tv!

    Do you believe on medicinal uses of drugs for treating some diseases, depression? Why do you think that? You've researched about that?
    absolutely - every used medicine is already a drug! it's just that when drugs also happen to have fun side effects they get prohibited rather than researched
    look into the Auckland university micro dosing trails.
    i briefly mentioned nueroplasticity above - imagine your brains play dough. as a kid, you have an abundance of neuroplasiticy - the playdoughs fresh, this is why kids learn so much faster than adults. as you get older, you live your day to day life, adopt your day to day habits, and your brain trods the same neural pathways over and over and the playdough becomes firmer and more stuck in its way. increasing neuroplasticity is like adding some water to it, it becomes more malleable - a more malleable brain can allow people to process trauma, learn new habits easier, change old ones, and overall "refresh" the brain a little. a CRT scan of both a childs brain and an adults brain shows a similar range of neural pathways, with a sober adult brain having far less.
    this is in my mind the double edged sword of psychedelics - it's what can make you go "hold on, do i even like cigarettes?" halfway through a trip, but the same reason someone might suddenly think they can fly. (source: how to change your mind by Micheal pollen. and for further reading on neuroplasticy and trauma, check out "the body keeps the score"

    Do you think decriminalize some kind of drugs would decrease traffic and violence or would be the opposite?
    it would decrease traffic and violence for sure
    lets look at heroin, before heroin was outlawed in England back in the day, opium was widely used and to little ill effect, prohibition meant that importing opium was hopeless - it was too bulky to smuggle for value for money, so traffickers had to start importing stronger stuff, in smaller batches to not get caught. this is still true today, and i see the new kratom tend as almost full circle for opioid use (source: opium for the masses by jim hogshire)
    in terms of violence, well most drug related violence is coming from dealers - if these people we're on a public register as a licensed weed dealer for example, they'd be much less likely to pull a gun for a pound - my source on this is pure personal experience, i couldn't count on all fingers and toes the accounts of drug related violence i've been aware of, and almost all have been deals gone wrong type situations. obviously people on drugs can get violent, but i believe hard reduction around dosage and usage can hugely mitigate this

    Do you know someone whose has been lost by the drugs? What I mean... the person turned someone completely different from whom you knew before
    surprisingly, not many. most of my friends are regular users of weed and occasionally psychedelics and other stuff, but we've all been living normal productive lives since we began, of course theres a patch here and there were some of us smoke too much, but when you're sensible about things it doesn't tend to go too far. i see drug abuse as reactionary to environment, things really get out of hand when they provide escapism from an unhappy life situation - look into the rat park experiment.
    two cages of rats were set up, with one being a rat paradise and the other being the opposite - both groups were offered both regular sugarwater and that with morphine in it, and the rats in the "unhappy" cage were far, far, more likely to abuse the morphine, which obviously has some implications about society and which kinds of socio-economic situations make people more prone to addiction

    If you're against drugs liberation, what actions should take the law reinforcements to deal with drugs?
    a entirely harm reduction based approach should be adopted by law enforcement - if someones freaking out on drugs in public and not necessarily breaking other laws or under medical duress, they should be taken to a safe cosy place to sober up and have the option of talking to a drug counselor in the future. a bit of a pipe dream when the mental health system is already so strained lol but hey we can dream

    and thats a veeery long post. drugs are somewhat my main area of interest. if anyone would like harm reduction advice etc feel free to chuck me a pm
    lastly, i highly recommend Micheal Pollans "How to change your mind" for a no bullshit modern history of psychedelics

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  8. #15
    datalore's Avatar
    Sep 2020
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    What're your opinions about the Illicit Drugs like Weed, Cocaine, MDMA, LSD, Meth, Psychedelic Shrooms, Heroine, Crack, Ayahuasca and many others? I know Weed is legal in some places of USA and at the Netherlands, but in general world it's illegal.

    * Love them: MDMA, Shrooms, Ayahuasca (different story though)
    * Like them: LSD, Weed
    * Never want to try them: Cocaine, Meth, Heroine, Crack

    What're or was your experiences with these?

    Kinda answered above based on how much I like them lol.

    Do you think every drug should be legallized? Or just some of them? Or none of them?

    This is difficult because I think most people who are pro-legalization want them all to be legal. I'd be happy to have the ones I love/like legalized and not the other ones, because I personally think they're more harmful, although that will always come down to personal judgement... Honestly, they should probably all be legalized or at least decriminalized, but we need much better public support systems to deal with addiction, etc (like in the Netherlands)

    Do you consider alcoohol and nicotine as drugs? It should be illegal? Do you think alcoohol or nicotine are worst than any drugs? If you feel like posting data, I personally would appreciate!

    Yes I think they're drugs, but I don't think they should be illegal. I think alcohol is worse than multiple drugs based solely on how much harm it consistently causes through addictions (ie I think it's worse than non-physically-addictive drugs). Nicotine seems to mostly harm the user and not as much people around them in the same violent ways that Alcohol does, so I'm personally less inclined to think of it as bad.

    Do you believe on medicinal uses of drugs for treating some diaseases, depression? Why do you think that? You've researched about that?

    Yes! I'm actually really interested in the use of Ketamine to treat depression, and I'm all for safe and therapeutical settings to experience other drugs as well, particularly MDMA/LSD/Mushrooms.

    Do you think decriminalize some kind of drugs would decrease traffic and violence or would be the opposite?

    Yes and I think there's enough data to support that as well.

    Do you know someone whose has been lost by the drugs? What I mean... the person turned someone completly different from whom you knew before.

    Yes but not anyone I'm close with. I'm married to a recovering alcoholic though but I've only known him since he's been sober.

    If you're agaisnt drugs liberation, what actions should take the law reinforcements to deal with drugs?
    I'm in favor of it... We don't need to put more people in jails especially not for personal use of drugs.
    data & spot userbar by @Lyrichord ~ thank you

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