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Thread: Secret Userbars Thread (Unlocking quests!)

  1. #1
    TsUNaMy WaVe's Avatar
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    Secret Userbars Thread (Unlocking quests!)

    Welcome! This thread (originally titled "Quest for the new "chill" userbar!") was opened so us CKers could work together and find out how to unlock some of the more mysterious userbars! (The content of the original thread can be found in the spoiler in the bottom of the thread).
    For a general information about userbars and how to get the "simple" ones, you should check (you need an account to see links)!
    This thread will list the userbars the other thread doesn't say how to obtain. We are still working on it, so if you know anything about a userbar that still has unknown conditions, let us know or help us figure out!

    Available Userbars

    chill Post your favorite vaporwave track in (you need an account to see links).
    i ♥ ck Awarded to users who have 2 months (60 days)+ "Time Online". You might need to post around the forums after filling this requirement for the UB to unlock.
    clraik top poster Awarded automatically based on the stats seen on the main page.
    welcome wagon Post high-quality welcome posts in new users (you need an account to see links). Amount of posts is currently assumed to be ~15.
    repular Give out +rep 5 times.
    repsome Give out +rep 10 times.
    reprageous Give out +rep 25 times.
    reptastic Give out +rep 50 times.
    repsational Give out +rep 100 times.
    ryugotchi Interact with other users' Ryugotchi (poop scooping, feeding/playing when hearts counter isn't full). Number of exact interactions
    is currently unknown. Demo Ryus don't count towards the interaction count.
    music lover Exact solution is unknown. It is assumed to be related to being active in the (you need an account to see links).
    This is the userbar that lets you choose a playable song!
    party time Share your good/happy events with the community, so we can celebrate together with you!
    counted to 10,000 Was available by helping to count to 10,000 in (you need an account to see links).
    According to Bat, the userbar will be available 10 more times, every 1,000 posts. Keep your eyes open!
    buddies Leave a message on one of your ck friends' profile.
    pooper scooper Scoop 1500 Ryugotchis poops. **Seems to be glitched and isn't rewarded properly as of late.
    melodic Unlockable by playing a certain melody into the userbar's piano! The tune can change every week, or whenever a new one is keyed in,
    so listen around for a new one and try your luck!
    Temporary option (currently unavailable): record a melody on someone's userbar and post it (you need an account to see links).
    ryusitters club Awarded for taking care of a large number of unique Ryus. The number of Ryus needed is an upper percentage of the amount of active Ryus.
    In addition, the number is based on an average determined by the activity of the most diligent caregivers.
    baka Assumed solution: being meaningfully active in the (you need an account to see links).
    kingmaker Unlockable for reaching a certain amount of votes cast for (you need an account to see links). This userbar is unlocked manually, meaning the Staff need to check and award it to those eligible. The number of votes is < 1000.
    stacked Awarded manually, and is a prize for especially neat looking combinations of userbars and avatars. The mods won't be handing it out to everybody all at once though.
    Just every once in a while when they see something striking. If you've got it, then be sure to flaunt it! Try all sorts of awesome designs, and you might be chosen!
    void Unlocked by visiting a certain page at a certain time of the day. The time is different and specific to every user and is assumed to be random. Refresh is your best friend!
    chatty Linked to community events (currently confirmed: movie nights) on the official ck Discord.
    transform/ditto Awarded when finding a disguised Ditto between a user's pokemon userbars by clicking on it. The ditto is hidden by pokemon species, and not by user.
    So try to find as many pokemon bars as you can to try out!
    lavalicious Speculated to be randomly rewarded when posting during the evening/night.
    life's a beach Use your music lover userbar to show your summertime spirit!
    all better Assumed solution: heal 3 sick ryus. Read more in (you need an account to see links)!
    I <3 ck Share your meaningful, positive ck story in (you need an account to see links). It will also reward you with the old I ♥ ck bar if you didn't have it already.
    forest friend Share nature pictures from your outdoors adventures in (you need an account to see links).
    verry merry Available by posting during December. Specific requirements are "fairly similar to the Spooky userbar, but with a Christmassy twist".
    Extra hint: "doesn't have the same hour limitations as the Spooky userbar, but there are other availability restrictions in place intended to award participation at times when the majority of the community would be around to engage."
    avoid letter c Rewarded by avoiding the user with a username starting with the C in (you need an account to see links). The last person before the C tag will not get the bar, but the first one before (who doesn't have the bar yet) will get it.
    In addition, please note that the userbar will not be awarded *every* time, and that there is some randomness to it.
    contagious A reward for being a super spreader in the outbreak minigame. It was made in hopes of encouraging carriers to get out there and spread the plague so that folks have more Ryugotchis to heal. It will be automatically rewarded at the end of the event to users with certain amount of single-generation transmissions. Your objective as a spreader will be to directly infect as much as you can. Heals and infections carry over from previous outbreaks. Every time you do either, you're adding to your grand total. The grand total is used to reward the userbars. If you're healed, then you're no longer contagious.
    transform/zorua Similar to the transform/ditto bar. Awarded when finding a disguised Zorua between a user's pokemon userbars by clicking on it. Zorua is hidden by pokemon species, and not by user. So try to find as many pokemon bars as you can to try out!
    valentine day card Send 10+ messages using Cupid's (you need an account to see links) to anonymously compliment other ck members.
    2025 solution: leave messages on other people's vday card bar! You have to be friend with them in ck to do so. More details can be found in this (you need an account to see links).
    sweetheart Rewarded for sharing your Valentine's holiday treats in (you need an account to see links).

    Seasonal Userbars

    All of the bars that used to be here are now under the next section, as none of them are officially guaranteed to come back at their season time.

    Currently Unavailable Userbars

    Based Vegeta 1 Awarded to users who participated in the 2017 ck Halloween Giveaway event. Might be used again in future annual events.
    Based Vegeta 2 Awarded to users who participated in the 2017 ck Halloween Giveaway event. Might be used again in future annual events.
    defenders of ck (red version) Awarded to the participants of the winning team and MVPs from other teams in the Defenders of clraik event.
    so novel Awarded to those who participate and fulfill all requirements in the (you need an account to see links).
    Might be available again in future writing events.
    qt pi Was awarded by posting your pi day delicacies according to the instructions in (you need an account to see links).
    pokemon march madness Awarded to the finalists in (you need an account to see links).
    pos-o-prank Awarded while posting in the (you need an account to see links) when the "Neo-positive" post-filter was enabled. (April's Fools, 2022)
    baked Awarded to participants who fulfilled 10 prompts in (you need an account to see links).
    hello world A reward for getting a score above a certain threshold in the (you need an account to see links).
    coffee break Awarded automatically when posting your comfort beverage in (you need an account to see links), and have your post reach 11+ thanks.
    spooky Post around the forums during the weekends of October, between 12am~3am NST.
    tipsy Confirmed method: post your favorite mixed drink, including a picture with a proof it's you who made it,
    in (you need an account to see links) during March. It can be non-alcoholic too!
    Another assumed solution: post around the forums during Happy Hour during March.
    proud We'd love to see or hear about how you're celebrating. Post something in (you need an account to see links) to show your pride during June!
    tasty Available during autumn by posting about your favorite fall treats (you need an account to see links).
    poetry champion Awarded to users who successfully completed the poetry challanged. Autum version (orange) was given during the event in October, and the spring version will be given for the one in April!
    eggcellent Collect 6 eggs from threads around the forum during April.
    cartridge creator Participate by sharing an eligible submission(s) in the (you need an account to see links). Comes in 9 different colors!
    stayin' cool There are 17 different versions of this userbar, and you can unlock each one! Click here to see them all
    Assumed solution: randomly awarded when posting around the forums during summer. Isn't related to where or what you post or to the time of the day.
    The Fourth of July Rocket Pop and Watermelon are more time limited than the others. There's no official word on what the final cutoff date will be.
    They will be at a higher release rate through the end of July 4th.
    The rainbow pop is awarded at the end of every day, if you have fulfilled certain (currently speculated to be having 6+ pops) requirements.
    trick-or-treat There are different versions of this userbar, and you can unlock each one! Click here to see them all
    Find a "fake halloween themed username" with an emoji next to it in the threads users browsing lists (viewed in the last 30 days list), and click it. The threads are random and change frequently, so keep an eye out!
    boo Was originally wwarded to participants of at least 4 activities in the (you need an account to see links) event.
    Archive note: during 2021 FoF, the number of prompts needed was at least 3.
    Now it's back, and seems to be awarded by posting - although exact conditions are not clear.
    generous Be in the top gifted-bars givers (see counter on top of this thread) when the date changes (server time). If you receive bar, your name will go off the leaderboard to give other users an opportunity to get it.
    deck the halls Awarded for sharing your holiday decorations at your home/work in (you need an account to see links).
    pepperminty Post your holiday treats in (you need an account to see links).
    gifted Have your posts thanked a certain number of times. The current assumption is that this number is random. Don't just wait to receive, be sure to give!
    There are 13 different versions, click here to see them all


    doom Tied to a yet unreleased Ryugotchi Rumble mini game.

    Retired Userbars

    1,000,000 Posts Awarded to users who posted around the forums close to the 1mil posts mark.
    top battledomers '15 Awarded to the top participants of the ck Battledome event in 2015.
    battledomers '15 Awarded to the participants of the ck Battledome event in 2015.
    i ♥ clraik Was available by showing your love to our forum's leader in (you need an account to see links).
    ck 10th anniversary Was available by posting your meaningful, positive ck story in (you need an account to see links).
    ck XIIIth anniversary Was available by posting your meaningful, positive ck story in (you need an account to see links).

    Additional Pokemon Userbars

    You might see some Pokemon userbars that aren't mentioned in the official thread. They are given out on special tournaments/events. You can see them (you need an account to see links).

    Some unlocking notes for the post-based pokemon userbars:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    The Pokémon Master userbars are tied to ranks in a sense. Userbars are tied to a mechanic in vBulletin called user groups. vBulletin has a system for automatically awarding user group access to users based on criteria like amount of posts, reputation and/or account age, but there's one additional requirement: your primary user group. Your rank is also your primary user group. In order to qualify to be awarded access to a new user group, we had to map each primary user group (rank) to every other user group that you'd most likely be able to reach within a given set of parameters. If we didn't happen to map an awarded user group to one of the five ranks, then you're effectively disqualified from unlocking that user group's userbar until you rank-up.

    TL;DR if you're not unlocking a certain Pokémon Master userbar, then it's restricted by rank.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    That's correct. Blastoise, Charizard, Latios and Latias, and Suicune all require top clraik or higher to unlock. As do other post-related userbars of similar value.

    Extra information about retired (and non-retired) userbars:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    That's a bit tricky. The vast majority of our currently unobtainable userbars pertain to events that were outside of our staff's control. Just so you know ... I had to do a lot of legwork for this list:

    The battledomer userbars were retired because the event was a bit too risky, and the 1,000,000 posts userbar was only available between 1,000,000 and 1,002,500 posts - approximately one week.
    How many userbars can I display and how does it work?!

    Quote Originally Posted by kittyray View Post
    You can get more slots by unlocking different categories of userbars, and also by purchasing Lifetime VIP. I believe the categories are listed on the first post, but just in case:

    cK Honors
    Events (new)
    cK Misc
    Altador Cup

    cK VIP (unremovable)
    cK Rank (unremovable)

    cK Staff
    cK Position

    Trade Banned (bad)
    Banned (very bad)

    Full Stayin' Cool userbars list

    Full lifetime VIP userbar options list

    Full Trick-or-Treat userbars list

    Full Gifted userbars list

    Last edited by TsUNaMy WaVe; 2 Days Ago at 02:09 AM.

  2. The Following 263 Users Say Thank You to TsUNaMy WaVe For This Useful Post:

    aaronsd (06-29-2021),abcba (2 Weeks Ago),Absinthe (12-26-2024),AburameKun (10-23-2023),Aero (06-06-2021),akko7k (09-14-2021),Aldrif (03-04-2021),alenka (07-08-2021),Alister (10-13-2020),AmandaBynes (08-27-2022),Andymac106 (01-19-2022),Antonio (10-11-2020),Ariealle (10-11-2020),Artenio (10-20-2021),Attack (10-12-2020),aymo (11-16-2023),Baelia (10-16-2020),Bani (10-11-2020),Bat (02-04-2021),Bea (04-19-2021),beansprout (10-29-2022),benirako (04-20-2023),Betelgeuse (03-03-2021),Beth77 (10-11-2020),Bill (10-11-2020),billions (12-26-2023),blaziken (03-31-2024),Bloom (06-09-2024),Blue-tooth (10-12-2020),BlueFoundYou (09-19-2022),bluepen (07-01-2022),bottledwater (09-29-2021),braixen (05-27-2024),BravoEd (09-29-2021),BryanCranston (05-28-2023),Buizel (10-31-2020),Bulbasaur (12-25-2023),Bunnii (10-23-2023),caranthir (12-27-2023),Cat Purrson (10-27-2021),Cath (09-01-2021),Catra (2 Weeks Ago),CeciliaCross (03-15-2021),Celestialkit (03-15-2022),Cerberus (04-25-2023),Chambers (10-22-2020),Charmander (10-16-2020),Cherubi (06-12-2021),chii3d (08-19-2022),Chilljoy (04-27-2023),Cinderella (10-12-2020),Cinnamoroll (11-17-2020),clappingemoji (02-07-2023),Cocobutter (06-29-2023),Crow (11-10-2020),Da Plushee Boree (10-12-2020),DANK (12-29-2023),Danny Phantom (10-11-2020),Delibird (12-29-2020),Devoured (01-29-2024),Digipoop (11-11-2020),Diglett (07-24-2024),distanthunder (04-02-2022),Dita (10-22-2020),Doge (10-13-2020),Donatella Versace (02-13-2021),dono (10-11-2020),Doom (12-27-2020),drakoshi (04-05-2023),DreamEater (06-20-2023),DrillyGang (05-23-2023),DrixlRey (10-08-2023),Druid (10-07-2024),dustyc (10-11-2020),Eagle (08-21-2023),elie (11-30-2022),Erik. (10-12-2020),espy (01-29-2024),Evelynn (12-26-2023),Excalibur (01-27-2023),Extraterrestrial (10-12-2020),Felinae (08-23-2023),fengeance (03-05-2024),Ferengi (06-21-2022),fireheart (12-30-2023),Focalors (10-11-2020),Fogged (03-03-2022),foozyeyes (12-23-2024),Foxglove (10-11-2020),foxliver (02-06-2023),Froggy (07-20-2024),fufrag (01-09-2024),Gato (10-11-2020),genesis (12-05-2020),GermanShepherd (02-18-2021),gobblegum (12-21-2023),Goddammit (10-13-2020),goodnightmoon (07-18-2022),Gotch (10-12-2020),Goxar (10-11-2020),GreyFaerie (10-11-2020),Grim Reaper (01-18-2022),Guil (10-11-2020),Hall (10-11-2020),Harvest 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Dream (10-12-2020),Lyrichord (10-15-2021),m5chu (10-11-2020),macaronbae (01-16-2023),macca8 (09-19-2021),macr0s (05-23-2023),Maia (12-03-2024),Malarkey (10-11-2020),Mario2302 (06-15-2023),marvelousmarvin (08-20-2023),matcha (05-27-2024),mauvet (07-06-2022),Megiddo (06-13-2023),Melle (11-18-2020),Menine (10-11-2020),Mikal (10-11-2020),millesfleur (01-25-2022),Mimikyu (03-15-2021),Misha (02-04-2024),mistook (4 Weeks Ago),mokavanila (10-11-2020),Mookse (10-12-2020),morecoffeepls (06-12-2021),motherfucker (10-11-2020),MrSlowBro (03-12-2021),mumbajumba (06-12-2021),Munna (02-01-2024),My name is Yoshikage Kira (10-11-2020),N A N O (04-30-2021),Natalie (12-26-2020),Nattiee (10-11-2020),Neal Caffrey (11-13-2020),nery (04-09-2021),niconiconii (06-18-2023),Nimoligist (10-13-2020),Northern (07-17-2024),nousha (10-12-2020),novastar (06-02-2024),Nyanobyte (10-11-2020),Nyu (10-12-2020),oddish (02-09-2024),omg.UFOs (08-06-2023),Oneiros (10-12-2020),Painwheel (10-11-2020),Pam (11-20-2023),papierxmache (04-09-2021),Patamon (12-08-2022),Peanutface (10-21-2020),Pearl (12-22-2024),Peppercorn (10-12-2022),phantasia (08-02-2022),Pidgey (10-11-2020),pikapika (06-05-2024),pillowfighter (05-25-2022),Pinecone (10-11-2020),pinkpain (03-17-2021),PizzaParty (04-06-2023),Polorin (03-14-2023),Praise_the_Sun (03-10-2024),PrettySarcastic (12-25-2023),Pumpkabooo (06-08-2022),Rachy Queen (10-26-2021),Ragemodeactivate (11-13-2020),Rebel_Minx (05-26-2023),ribossoma (02-23-2021),RicoBandito (11-13-2020),Rinon (12-24-2023),rio (07-10-2024),Rylai (11-13-2020),Sailor Moan (10-20-2020),Sam. (10-11-2020),Saturnine (10-31-2020),shadowhuntee (06-28-2022),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Solitaire (03-01-2022),SomeClown (09-12-2023),Spohia (01-31-2021),SprigaTeaTo (11-01-2024),Stardew (02-06-2021),Stardust (10-11-2020),starsandmoon (06-22-2021),Strat (12-25-2023),Sunny Villa (04-01-2021),Swablu (01-07-2024),Synth Salazzle (10-11-2020),Syzygy33 (08-01-2024),Tapir (01-11-2024),Teakwood (04-16-2021),team rocket (10-30-2020),teslagirl (11-01-2020),thalesbbxx (08-25-2022),TipsyTay (04-21-2022),Titan (11-09-2020),TMGC (01-12-2021),Trash Panda (11-13-2020),tsareena (01-29-2024),Uma (04-03-2023),Unown (10-11-2020),Vaebae (01-22-2023),valora (10-13-2020),Venus (03-04-2024),Vis (01-02-2024),Vulpes (10-28-2023),Wallie (10-13-2020),Werewolf (10-11-2020),WheeintoJiU (03-22-2023),Why So Serious? (05-30-2021),Winona (04-11-2021),wolfdog (08-20-2023),Woobat (07-25-2023),wubbalubbadubdub (10-12-2020),xCarRadio (07-30-2024),xChoppie (10-13-2020),Young (10-31-2020),Yuumi (02-05-2021),Yuuna (10-03-2024),Zane (10-24-2020),Zenitsu (09-19-2021),ZeroTwo (10-12-2020),Zombabe (10-14-2020),Zorua (12-18-2023)

  3. #2
    Stardust's Avatar
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    ooh it's so pretty
    Let's figure this one out!!

    Maybe it's related to music somehow? It gives me heavy vaporwave / chillwave vibes

    Edit: posting in the "Post the song you are listening to!" thread didn't work for me. Unless you have to share a video there at night? Flordibel has it and she posted there around 11pm NST it looks like?
    Last edited by Stardust; 10-11-2020 at 07:42 AM. Reason: I can't timezone lol

    Andromeda ✨
    Hatched: 11-15-2020
    Last Evolution: 1-1-2021
    Survived the Ryupocalypse 7-15-2021

    (you need an account to see links) (you need an account to see links)
    Thanks TsUNaMy WaVe for the Paladins userbar!
    Thanks Lyrichord for the custom avatar userbar!

  4. The Following 22 Users Say Thank You to Stardust For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Ariealle (10-11-2020),Betelgeuse (03-03-2021),bluepen (07-03-2022),Cerberus (01-03-2025),Cinnamoroll (12-28-2024),DANK (12-29-2023),dustyc (10-11-2020),Excalibur (12-26-2024),fireheart (01-12-2024),gobblegum (12-22-2023),Goxar (10-11-2020),koopatrooper (12-26-2020),lluvia (12-25-2024),My name is Yoshikage Kira (10-11-2020),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),TsUNaMy WaVe (10-11-2020),ZeroTwo (10-13-2020)

  5. #3
    Mario2302's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post

    And if your beats are particularly chill, you can nab this userbar as well!

    going by Bat's intro i was thinking music too @(you need an account to see links)

    not sure if they would make another time based one but who really knows.

    ---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

    that thread really was the first that came to mind when reading bat's description for me so perhaps indeed linked to posting a vid? not sure though.

    perhaps @(you need an account to see links) could give us a hint

  6. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Mario2302 For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Ariealle (10-11-2020),bluepen (07-03-2022),DANK (12-29-2023),dustyc (10-11-2020),gobblegum (12-22-2023),Goxar (10-11-2020),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Stardust (10-11-2020)

  7. #4
    Goxar's Avatar
    Dec 2015
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    It definitely seems like it has something to do with music, guys

  8. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Goxar For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Cinnamoroll (12-28-2024),DANK (12-29-2023),Excalibur (12-26-2024),gobblegum (12-22-2023),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Stardust (10-11-2020)

  9. #5
    Nimoligist's Avatar
    Aug 2013
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    I do not think it's winter related. Maybe music related but as far as how to get it I have no idea..

  10. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Nimoligist For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Cinnamoroll (12-28-2024),DANK (12-29-2023),Excalibur (12-26-2024),gobblegum (12-22-2023),Goxar (10-11-2020),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023)

  11. #6
    TsUNaMy WaVe's Avatar
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    Music related! Great catch guys! I told you I wouldn't know where to start lol.
    I also don't think this one will be time related.... but who knows.

    It might be like the welcome wagon? idk after how many posts I got that one, but it was more than 5 for sure. So maybe being more active in the music forum?

  12. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to TsUNaMy WaVe For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Ariealle (10-11-2020),Betelgeuse (03-05-2021),DANK (12-29-2023),dustyc (10-11-2020),Dyc51498 (10-08-2023),gobblegum (12-22-2023),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Stardust (10-11-2020)

  13. #7
    Ariealle's Avatar
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    I got mad windows 98 screensaver vibes from that.

    edit: ok seriously love to avatar hunt, am a true fan to the core, but score is mediocre at best.
    so something about userbars is reigniting this flame that i thought was once lost. im here for it.
    Last edited by Ariealle; 10-11-2020 at 09:35 AM.

    ♥ Stardust ♥ Lyrichord ♥ TsUNaMy WaVe ♥ Zenitsu ♥

  14. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Ariealle For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Cat Purrson (12-07-2020),DANK (12-29-2023),Excalibur (12-26-2024),gobblegum (12-22-2023),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023)

  15. #8
    Nyanobyte's Avatar
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    Ahhh! This one is SO COOOOOL!

  16. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Nyanobyte For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Ariealle (10-11-2020),Cat Purrson (12-07-2020),DANK (12-29-2023),dustyc (10-11-2020),gobblegum (12-22-2023),lluvia (12-25-2024),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Zenitsu (12-21-2023),ZeroTwo (02-06-2021)

  17. #9
    Koto's Avatar
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    Maybe its also time-themed? It seems a bit sunrise-y? Maybe music in the mornings sort of thing?

    userbar by the delightful (you need an account to see links)

  18. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Koto For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Cinnamoroll (12-28-2024),DANK (12-29-2023),Excalibur (12-26-2024),gobblegum (12-22-2023),lluvia (12-25-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023)

  19. #10
    Hazem's Avatar
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    I just got it

    Vaporwave vibes in the music section

  20. The Following 23 Users Say Thank You to Hazem For This Useful Post:

    AburameKun (12-23-2024),Ariealle (10-11-2020),Betelgeuse (03-05-2021),Cinnamoroll (12-28-2024),DANK (12-29-2023),dustyc (10-11-2020),Excalibur (12-26-2024),Extraterrestrial (10-11-2020),gobblegum (12-22-2023),Goxar (10-11-2020),Jumbo Shrimp (10-30-2020),lluvia (12-25-2024),Mario2302 (10-11-2020),Nyu (10-12-2020),oddish (12-22-2024),Pidgey (12-31-2023),RicoBandito (12-26-2024),Sam. (12-25-2024),sliffer (12-25-2024),Sneasel (12-30-2023),Spiffy (10-11-2020),Stardust (10-11-2020),Zenitsu (09-13-2022)

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