So I guess this is the second time I'm back after a several year hiatus. Last time I sadly left after a burn out that wasn't all too pretty. Time to reset that score.
My name is Mouse/Nancy, a 27y.o Dutch woman. And yes, I live up to a couple of the stereotypes that belong to the Dutch. Hah.
I'm a weed smoking, psychedelics loving metalhead-hippie who loves animals (cats especially) better than humans in general. I can be pretty sarcastic and will laugh about pretty much anything. The darker the better.
Occasionally I still play neopets, altho by now it's more out of sentiment than anything else.
I'm a sucker for Game of Thrones, American Horror Story and the Marvel & DC universe and I love history and fantasy (both together and seperately).
Most random fact about me of the day for you: I cannot get comfortable in an unmade bed. That shit really ticks me off, so even if I'm about to pass out you'll find me very meticulously fixing everything up to a point where I can just crash down with satisfaction.
Questions are always welcome.