Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Hi everyone. My name is Rachelle.
I'm new to these types of websites and will most likely need bunches of help... But I'm willing to be patient and wait for help. =]
I look forward with talking to everyone about everything..
NOw about me..
I eat way to much for a normal person..
But I never gain any weight.
I swim and play water polo and am currently enrolled in college!! *W00t*
I love taking pictures and have many to show.
Hmm..ANd i'm gonna be a vet some day! So I love animals!
~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~
“Of course it hurts, it’s a spanking. How else would it work?”
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Welcome to CK (: and i'm going to school to become a vet too!!
Infamous Joe is you.
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Welcome Rachelle!
How is everyone fairing this Holiday Season?
~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~
“Of course it hurts, it’s a spanking. How else would it work?”
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Lol im doing my prereq's at a community college tooi wanna go to Michigan though for my University!
Infamous Joe is you.
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Hello Hello Hello
I like your username![]()
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Hi Rachelle
Welcome to clraik
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)
Welcome to clraik, seems like a lot of people here are currently at university
Zenitsu (12-28-2023)