I don't really understand why it's considered okay and not weak for women to cry, yet when a 36 year old man breaks down in tears some people are just ashamed and think they are the weakest thing in the world. I personally have cried quite a bit in my life, I mean, I'm not a man yet (I'm only 21) but still, I'm a male and it's generally frowned upon for males to cry. I just don't get it.

Is it because crying is a sign of hurt and releasing your emotions, and men are supposed to be 'strong' and letting this hurt, and these emotions show is the opposite of being strong? Like I said I just don't get it. I think it should be just fine for a man to cry, whether 12, or 112, if anything, I think it is a sign of strength and being human - other animals cry but you don't see it as often as humans!

What do you think?