Honestly idek anymore I'm sorry if I sound crazy I hope I'm not crazy but anyone ever get confused with reality and dreams?

Cause I do, occasionally, especially if I'm stressed out...
There are different types of confusion like,

1) I don't know if what happens in the dream is what's actually happening irl
For example, if someone in my dream outright hates me but does not act that way in real life, I wonder if the dream is actually what's happening and that they just hate me in real life but i can't tell that they do

2) I think that a dream is a memory that really took place in real life
In this case I mean like childhood memory, really long ago stuff that I don't know if it happened or not

3) If what occurred in my dream hasn't happened yet, I'm dead sure it's going to happen in real life soon.
Like a fricken premonition??

Kay just wanted to share this and wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience before

Plz don't diagnoze me wit schizo