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Thread: Subeta Autoquester

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  1. #1
    Reemer's Avatar
    Dec 2011
    203 times
    Time Online
    4d 13h 47m
    Avg. Time Online

    Subeta Autoquester

    Found this Subeta autoquester a few months back when I was unemployed,but it wasn't working. With all my javascript (or whatever this is) experience (none) I was able to fix it up. Haven't used it for a while, but just tested it with the wizard quests. Credits to the original creator. As shown in the script, this only works on Tampermonkey in Chrome. I don't know why, but it is what it is.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @(you need an account to see links)           Subeta - Auto Quest
    // @(you need an account to see links)space      Subeta Bots
    // @version        4.3
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @include        (you need an account to see links)
    // @require		   (you need an account to see links)
    // @(you need an account to see links)-at         document-end
    // ==/UserScript==
     * Script compatible only with TamperMonkey on Google Chrome
     * --------------------------------------------------------*/
    function Quest(url, type, mode, upperLimit) {
        this.url = url;						// URL for the quest
        this.type = type;					// 0 for OLD type, 1 for NEW type, 2 for Shinwa
        this.mode = mode;					// 0: Based on upperLimit only, 1: Based on OAP, 2: Based on Rarity
        this.morinori = 0;					// 0: Undefined, 1: Mori (Dark), 2: Nori (Light)
    	this.items = new Array();			// Array of items required to complete the quest
        this.upperLimit = upperLimit;		// Upper Limit to spend for quest. 1 for each different number of items required.
        this.qData = new QuestData(this.type);
    function QuestData(type) {
        switch (type) {
            case 0:
                this.btnStart	= 'Start a Quest';
                this.btnQuit	= 'I give up!';
                this.btnFinish	= 'I have them all!';
                this.txtInit	= 'to bring me these items:';
                this.txtFinish	= 'Your Reward is:';
                this.txtMax		= 'You have already played the maximum';
                this.txtNoQuest = 'You aren\'t on a quest!';
                this.txtError	= 'You don\'t have all of the items!';
                this.txtNoTime	= 'You failed to bring me the items in time';
            case 1:
                this.btnStart	= 'Start Quest!';
                this.btnQuit	= 'Quit Quest';
                this.btnFinish	= 'Finish Quest';
                this.txtInit	= 'left to bring me:';
                this.txtFinish	= 'Finished';
                this.txtMax		= 'Try again tomorrow!';
                this.txtNoQuest = 'You aren\'t on a quest!';
                this.txtError	= 'You don\'t have all the items required for this quest!';
                this.txtNoTime	= 'Out of Time';
            case 2:
                this.btnStart = 'Start the Quest';
    function Item(name, imgURL) { = name;
        this.imgURL = imgURL;
        this.ushopPrice = 0;
        this.isObtained = false;
    var arrInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
    var arrMyShops = getMyShopIDs();
    var onHandSP = getOnHandSP();
    var section;
    if (document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/saggitarius') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/quentin') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/library') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/carl') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/wizard') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/maleria') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/cinthia') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/cursed') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('quests.php/pete') > -1 || document.location.href.indexOf('explore/goddess.php') > -1)
        section = document.getElementsByClassName('container-fluid')[0];
    else {
        var arrDivs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        for (var i = 0 ; i < arrDivs.length; i++) {
            if (arrDivs[i].getAttribute('style') == 'width:500px')
                section = arrDivs[i];
                arrDivs[i].setAttribute('id', 'aq_section');
    var html;
    if (section != null)
    	html = section.innerHTML;
        html = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML;
    var q;
    if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/quentin') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/library') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/wizard') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/maleria') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/cinthia') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(50000, 50000, 50000, 50000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/cursed') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000));
        if (document.getElementsByClassName('container-fluid')[0].innerHTML.indexOf('Mori') > -1) 
            q.morinori = 1;
        else if (document.getElementsByClassName('container-fluid')[0].innerHTML.indexOf('Nori') > -1)
            q.morinori = 2;
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/pete') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/saggitarius') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 1, 0, new Array(50000, 80000, 100000, 200000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('explore/quest_computer.php') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 0, 0, new Array(15000, 22000, 30000, 40000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('quests.php/carl') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 0, 0, new Array(20000, 20000, 20000, 20000));
    else if (window.location.href.toString().indexOf('explore/goddess.php') > -1)
        q = new Quest('', 2, 0, new Array());
    if (html.indexOf(q.qData.btnStart) > -1) {
        (getButton(arrInputs, q.qData.btnStart)).click();
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtInit) > -1 && html.indexOf(q.qData.btnFinish) > -1 && html.indexOf(q.qData.btnQuit) > -1) {    
        var names = getItemNamesFromImgArray(section.getElementsByTagName('img'));
        var urls = getItemImgURLsFromImgArray(section.getElementsByTagName('img'));
        var arrPShopSearch = getPShopSearch(section, names);
        if (q.type == 0)
            getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnQuit).onclick = "return true";
        else if (q.type == 1)
            getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnQuit).onclick = "return true";
        for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
            q.items[i] = new Item(names[i], urls[i]);
            arrPShopSearch[i].innerHTML = '<div id="aq_container" style="border:2px #efefef solid;width:60%;text-align:left;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;padding:7px;background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;line-height:16px;">Price: <b id="aq_price"></b></div>';
            if (q.mode == 1)
                arrPShopSearch[i].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[i].innerHTML.replace('</b></div>', '</b><br>OAP: <b id="aq_oap"></b></div>');
            else if (q.mode == 2)
                arrPShopSearch[i].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[i].innerHTML.replace('</b></div>', '</b><br>Rarity: <b id="aq_rarity"></b></div>');
            q.items[i].sectionSrc = arrPShopSearch[i];
        $.get("", function(invdata){
            if (invdata.indexOf('<h1 class=\'text_center\'>Inventory</h1>') > -1){
                var invhtml = invdata.substring(invdata.indexOf('<h1 class=\'text_center\'>Inventory</h1>') + 38);
                invhtml = invhtml.substring(0, invhtml.indexOf('equalHeights(\'container_Inventory'));
                for (var h = 0; h < q.items.length; h++) {
                    if (invhtml.indexOf(q.items[h].imgURL) > -1 && invhtml.indexOf(q.items[h].name) > -1){
                        q.items[h].isObtained = true;
                        arrPShopSearch[h].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[h].innerHTML.replace('background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;', 'background-color:Green;color:#ffffff;');
            if (obtainedAllItems(q.items)) {
                if (q.type == 0)
                        getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnFinish).click();
                    }, 1500); 
                else if (q.type == 1)
                        getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnFinish).click();
                    }, 1500); 
                for (var i = 0; i < q.items.length; i++) {
                    $.get("" + escape(q.items[i].name) + "&type=shops", function(data){
                        var searchItem = data.substring(data.indexOf('Search results for <b>') + 22);
                        searchItem = searchItem.substring(0, searchItem.indexOf('</b>'));
                        var htmlsrc = data.substring(data.indexOf('<b>Shop Name</b>'));
                        htmlsrc = htmlsrc.substring(0, htmlsrc.indexOf('Agoge, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>'));
                        var j = getIndex(q.items, searchItem);
                        // Availability in Subeta Shops
                        if (htmlsrc.indexOf('a href=/shop.php?shopid=') > -1) {
                            q.items[j].shopID = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('a href=/shop.php?shopid=') + 24);
                            q.items[j].shopID = q.items[j].shopID.substring(0, q.items[j].shopID.indexOf('>'));
                            q.items[j].shopName = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('a href=/shop.php?shopid=') + 25 + q.items[j].shopID.length);
                            q.items[j].shopName = q.items[j].shopName.substring(0, q.items[j].shopName.indexOf('</a></td>'));
                            q.items[j].shopPrice = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('a href=/shop.php?shopid=') + 24);
                            q.items[j].shopPrice = q.items[j].shopPrice.substring(q.items[j].shopPrice.indexOf('<td>') + 5);
                            q.items[j].shopPrice = q.items[j].shopPrice.substring(0, q.items[j].shopPrice.indexOf('</td>'));
                        // Availability in User Shops
                        if (htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') > -1) {
                            q.items[j].ushopURL = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 8);
                            q.items[j].ushopURL = q.items[j].ushopURL.substring(0, q.items[j].ushopURL.indexOf('>'));
                            q.items[j].ushopID = q.items[j].ushopURL.substring(q.items[j].ushopURL.indexOf('ushop.php?shopid=') + 17);
                            while(isMyShopId(arrMyShops, q.items[j].ushopID) == true) {
                                htmlsrc = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 8);
                                q.items[j].ushopURL = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 8);
                                q.items[j].ushopURL = q.items[j].ushopURL.substring(0, q.items[j].ushopURL.indexOf('>'));
                                htmlsrc = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 8);
                                q.items[j].ushopID = q.items[j].ushopURL.substring(q.items[j].ushopURL.indexOf('ushop.php?shopid=') + 17);
                            q.items[j].ushopName = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 9 + q.items[j].ushopURL.length);
                            q.items[j].ushopName = q.items[j].ushopName.substring(0, q.items[j].ushopName.indexOf('</a></td>'));
                            q.items[j].ushopPrice = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('<a href=ushop.php?shopid=') + 25);
                            q.items[j].ushopPrice = q.items[j].ushopPrice.substring(q.items[j].ushopPrice.indexOf('<td>') + 5);
                            q.items[j].ushopPrice = q.items[j].ushopPrice.substring(0, q.items[j].ushopPrice.indexOf('</td>'));
                            q.items[j].itemid = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('name="itemid" value="') + 21);
                            q.items[j].itemid = q.items[j].itemid.substring(0, q.items[j].itemid.indexOf('" OnClick="return confirm'));
                            q.items[j].cv = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('name="cv" value="') + 17);
                            q.items[j].cv = q.items[j].cv.substring(0, q.items[j].cv.indexOf('" /><input type="hidden"'));
                            q.items[j].vercode = htmlsrc.substring(htmlsrc.indexOf('name="vercode" value="') + 22);
                            q.items[j].vercode = q.items[j].vercode.substring(0, q.items[j].vercode.indexOf('" /></form></td></tr>'));
                            arrPShopSearch[j].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[j].innerHTML.replace('<b id="aq_price"></b>', '<b id="aq_price">' + q.items[j].ushopPrice + '</b>');
                        else {
                            if (q.type == 0)
                    			getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnQuit).click();
                            else if (q.type == 1)
                            	getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnQuit).click();
                        if (q.mode == 1 || q.mode == 2) {
                            // Quest is based on OAP or Rarity
                            $.get("" + escape(q.items[j].name) + "&type=shops", function(datastr){
                                q.items[j].rarity = datastr.split("'>");
                                q.items[j].rarity = q.items[j].rarity[2].split("</span>");
                                q.items[j].rarity = q.items[j].rarity[0];
                                q.items[j].oap = datastr.substring(datastr.indexOf('<b>Overall Average Price</b>: ') + 30);
                                q.items[j].oap = q.items[j].oap.substring(0, q.items[j].oap.indexOf('<br'));
                                q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML = q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML.replace('border:2px #efefef solid;', 'border:2px #' + getRarityColor(q.items[j].rarity) + ' solid;');
                                if (q.mode == 1)
                                	q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML = q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML.replace('<b id="aq_oap"></b>', '<b id="aq_oap">' + q.items[j].oap + ' sP</b>');
                                    if (isQuestComplete(q.items) == true) {
                                        var limit = getEstimatedPayout(q.url, q.items);
                                        var total = getTotalPrice(q.items);
                                        if (total <= limit) {
                                            if (onHandSP < total)
                                            	alert('You don\'t have enough sP for this quest!');
                                        else {
                                            for (var l = 0; l < arrPShopSearch.length; l++) {
                                                arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML.replace('background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;', 'background-color:darkorange;color:#ffffff;');
                                            if (q.type == 0) 
                                                getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnQuit).click();
                                            else if (q.type == 1)
                                            	window.location.href = (getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnQuit)).href;
                                else if (q.mode == 2)
                                    q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML = q.items[j].sectionSrc.innerHTML.replace('<b id="aq_rarity"></b>', '<b id="aq_rarity">' + q.items[j].rarity + '</b>');
                                    if (isQuestComplete(q.items) == true) {
                                        var total = getTotalPrice(q.items);
                                        var rarityIndex = getRarityIndex(q.items);
                                        if (total <= q.upperLimit[rarityIndex]){
    										if (onHandSP < total)
    											alert('You don\'t have enough sP for this quest!');
                                        else {
                                            for (var l = 0; l < arrPShopSearch.length; l++) {
                                                arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML.replace('background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;', 'background-color:darkorange;color:#ffffff;');
                                            if (q.type == 0) 
                                                getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnQuit).click();
                                            else if (q.type == 1)
                                            	window.location.href = (getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnQuit)).href;
                        else {
                            var complete = isQuestComplete(q.items);
                            var total = getTotalPrice(q.items);
                            if (complete == true) {
                                if (total <= q.upperLimit[q.items.length - 1]) {
                                    if (onHandSP < total)
    									alert('You don\'t have enough sP for this quest!');
                                else {
                                    for (var l = 0; l < arrPShopSearch.length; l++) {
                                        arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML = arrPShopSearch[l].innerHTML.replace('background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;', 'background-color:darkorange;color:#ffffff;');
                                    if (q.type == 0) 
                                        getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnQuit).click();
                                    else if (q.type == 1)
                                    	window.location.href = (getButtonURL(section.getElementsByTagName('a'), q.qData.btnQuit)).href;
    else if (html.indexOf('images/shinwa.gif') > -1) {
        if (html.indexOf('You\'ve managed to find all the pieces to my bracelet!') > -1) 
            window.location.href = '';
        else if (html.indexOf('remaining until you can do another Shinwa Quest!') > -1) 
            setTimeout('window.location.href = "";', getMilliSecondsLeft(section));
        	window.location.href = getQuestURL(section);
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtFinish) > -1) {
        if (html.indexOf('explore/goddess.php') > -1)
            window.location.href = '';
            window.location.href = q.url;
        }, 3000); 
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtNoQuest) > -1) {
        window.location.href = q.url;
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtError) > -1) {
        window.location.href = q.url;
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtNoTime) > -1) {
        window.location.href = q.url;
    else if (html.indexOf(q.qData.txtMax) > -1) {
        alert('Quest Complete!');
    function getOnHandSP() {
        var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (var i = 0; i < arrAnchors.length; i++) {
            if (arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('/explore/vaults.php?vault=bank') > -1 && arrAnchors[i].getAttribute('class') == 'widget-login-sp')
                return convertPriceToInt(arrAnchors[i].innerHTML);
    function getMilliSecondsLeft(sec) {
        var scrap = sec.getElementsByClassName('alert-error')[0].innerHTML;
        var hr = scrap.substring(scrap.indexOf('You have ') + 9, scrap.indexOf(' Hours, '));
        var min = scrap.substring(scrap.indexOf(' Hours, ') + 8, scrap.indexOf(' minutes, and '));
        var sec = scrap.substring(scrap.indexOf(' minutes, and ') + 14, scrap.indexOf(' seconds remaining until'));
        var shinwa_counter = 0;
        var totalSeconds = (parseInt(hr)*60*60 + parseInt(min)*60 + parseInt(sec));
        setInterval(function() {
            var secondsLeft = totalSeconds - shinwa_counter;
            if (secondsLeft >= 0) {
                var hLeft = parseInt(secondsLeft / 3600);
                var mLeft = parseInt((secondsLeft - hLeft * 3600) / 60);
                var sLeft = parseInt((secondsLeft - hLeft * 3600 - mLeft * 60));
                document.getElementsByClassName('alert-error')[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByClassName('alert-error')[0].innerHTML.replace(document.getElementsByClassName('alert-error')[0].innerHTML, hLeft + 'Hour(s) ' + mLeft + 'Minute(s) ' + sLeft + 'Second(s) Left');
                shinwa_counter += 1;
        }, 1000);
        return ((totalSeconds + 5) * 1000);
    function getQuestURL(sec){
        var arrAnchors = sec.getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (var i = 0; i < arrAnchors.length; i++) {
            if (arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('explore/wizard_quests.php') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('quests.php/wizard') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('quests.php/library') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('quests.php/maleria') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('explore/maleria.php') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('games/foodquest.php') > -1 || arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('quests.php/pete') > -1 ) {
                if (arrAnchors[i].href.indexOf('quests.php/maleria') > -1)
                    return '';
                    return arrAnchors[i].href;
        return null;
    function getRarityIndex(items) {
        var highestRarity = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            var rarity = 0;
            switch(items[i].rarity.trim()) {
                case 'Rare': rarity = 1; break;
                case 'Super Rare': rarity = 2; break;
            if (rarity > highestRarity)
                highestRarity = rarity;
        return highestRarity;
    function getTotalPrice(items) {
        var total = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            total += convertPriceToInt(items[i].ushopPrice);
        return total;
    function isQuestComplete(items) {
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (items[i].ushopPrice == 0)
                return false;
        return true;
    function getEstimatedPayout(url, items) {
        var estimatedPayout = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
            estimatedPayout += convertPriceToInt(items[i].oap);
        if (url.indexOf('cinthia') > -1) 
            estimatedPayout *= 1.35;
        else if (url.indexOf('saggitarius') > -1)
           	estimatedPayout *= 1.15;
        else if (url.indexOf('cursed') > -1) {
            if (q.morinori == 1) {		// Mori (Dark)
            	if (getTotalPrice(items) < 1000000)
                	estimatedPayout = (estimatedPayout * 0.8);
                    estimatedPayout = (estimatedPayout * 0.6);
            else if (q.morinori == 2) {	// Nori (Light)
                if (getTotalPrice(items) < 1000000)
                	estimatedPayout = (estimatedPayout * 0.8);
                    estimatedPayout = (estimatedPayout * 0.6);
        return estimatedPayout;
    function getRarityColor(rarity) {
        switch (rarity) {
            case 'Really Common': return '999999'; break;
            case 'Mundane': return '666666'; break;
            case 'Common': return '333333'; break;
            case 'Normal': return '000000'; break;
            case 'Super Rare': return 'dd00ff'; break;
            case 'Rare': return '0099ff'; break;
            case 'Retired': return '6da877'; break;
            case 'Special': return '00cc00'; break;
            case 'Game Prize': return '99cc99'; break;
    function doQuest(quest) {
        var first = true;
        var counter = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < quest.items.length; i++) {
            if (quest.items[i].isObtained == false) {
                if (first == true)
                    first = false;
                    counter += 1;
                    delayedPurchaseItem(quest.items[i], i);
                    counter += 1;
        setTimeout(function() { if (q.type == 0) { getButton(section.getElementsByTagName('input'), q.qData.btnFinish).click(); } else if (q.type == 1) { getButtonURL(document.getElementsByTagName('a'), quest.qData.btnFinish).click();} }, counter * 1000 + 1000);
    function delayedPurchaseItem(itemdata, i) {
        setTimeout(function() { purchaseItem(itemdata); }, i * 1000);
    function purchaseItem(itemdata) {
        var xmlhttp_custom = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/" + itemdata.ushopURL + "&act=buy", true);
        xmlhttp_custom.send("itemid=" + itemdata.itemid + "&cv=" + + "&vercode=" + itemdata.vercode);
        itemdata.sectionSrc.innerHTML = itemdata.sectionSrc.innerHTML.replace('background-color:#efefef;color:#666666;', 'background-color:green;color:#ffffff;');
    function convertPriceToInt(priceStr) {
        var cleanedStr = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < priceStr.length; i++) {
            if (priceStr[i] == '0' || priceStr[i] == '1' || priceStr[i] == '2' || priceStr[i] == '3' || priceStr[i] == '4' || priceStr[i] == '5' || priceStr[i] == '6' || priceStr[i] == '7' || priceStr[i] == '8' || priceStr[i] == '9')
                cleanedStr = cleanedStr.concat(priceStr[i]);
    function obtainedAllItems(items){
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (items[i].isObtained == false)
                return false;
        return true;
    function getPShopSearch(sec, names) {
        var arrPValid = new Array();
        if (q.type == 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                sec.innerHTML = sec.innerHTML.replace(names[i] + '</center>', names[i] + '<br><p><a href="' + escape(names[i]) + '&type=shops">Shop Search</a></p></center>');
        var arrP = sec.getElementsByTagName('p');
        for (var i = 0; i < arrP.length; i++) {
            if (arrP[i].innerHTML.indexOf('Shop Search') > -1 && arrP[i].getElementsByTagName('a').length > 0)
        return arrPValid;
    function getIndex(arrItems, search) {
        for (var i = 0; i < arrItems.length; i++) {
            if (arrItems[i].name == search)
                return i;
        return -1;
    function isMyShopId(myShopIDs, shopID) {
        for (var i = 0; i < myShopIDs.length; i++) {
            if (myShopIDs[i] == shopID)
                return true;
        return false;
    function getMyShopIDs(){
        var arrShopLI = document.getElementById('menu-sub-shops').getElementsByTagName('li');
        var shopIDs = new Array();
        for (var i = 0; i < arrShopLI.length; i++) {
            var shopURL = arrShopLI[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
            shopIDs.push(shopURL.href.substring(shopURL.href.indexOf('myshop.php?shopid=') + 18));
        return shopIDs;
    function getButton(inputs, searchstring) {
        for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            if (inputs[i].value == searchstring)
                return inputs[i];
    function getButtonURL(anchors, search) {
        for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
            if (anchors[i].innerHTML == search)
                return anchors[i];
    function getItemNamesFromImgArray(arrImgs) {
        var names = new Array();
        for (var i = 0; i < arrImgs.length; i++) {
            if (arrImgs[i].id != null && arrImgs[i].id != '')
        return names;
    function getItemImgURLsFromImgArray(arrImgs) {
        var urls = new Array();
        for (var i = 0; i < arrImgs.length; i++) {
            if (arrImgs[i].id != null && arrImgs[i].id != '')
        return urls;

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