Paying 800,000 NP or $2 on Paypal for anyone that can do this with very detailed answers by 10 PM EST tonight. If it's past the deadline it's no credit, sorry.

Although heart disease has a genetic component, it is mainly an individual�s lifestyle that leads to premature death in individuals who do not follow the guidelines discussed in the chapter.
Have you heard the guidelines for reducing the risk of heart disease before?  If not, why do you think that is the case?
If you have, are you following them?  Why or why not?
Do most people pay attention to their �family history� of health problems?  Why or why not?
(A) Should insurance companies or the government help pay the costs of gastric bypass surgery?  Why or why not?
(B) What suggestions can you make to help curb obesity in our American 
society? Why don�t other countries have the level of problems with obesity?
(C) How do you think the average obese child reaches that point?  Is this a form of parental abuse? 
(D) Should children under the age of 21 be allowed to have gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery?
(E)Do weight loss dietary supplement products work?  Explain your response fully.