well me and whatareyoudoingomgSTOP got married last month i love her lyk so much
i hwanty her 3 tak mi bak after we got divorceddd ); 0:
WHO HAS A BF/GF? Talk about them. Rant about them and what not.
I've been going out with my baby for 3+ years (39 months) omgggggg. I love my booby so much. What would I do without my cutie?!
My baby takes me to the bathroom and stays with me when we go to parties, and I make my baby's favorite tuna sandwiches.
My baby drives me around everywhere too :3 Like the mall and downtown cause I can't drive. AM SO IN LOVEEEEE <3
well me and whatareyoudoingomgSTOP got married last month i love her lyk so much
i hwanty her 3 tak mi bak after we got divorceddd ); 0:
Trolllllllllll in the dungeon!!
Efron (02-05-2012)
This is true! How am I being a troll? Lol
IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MAXX! I'm talking about real life.
Today is mine and my gf's 13 months....(srs).
I'll have been with my gf for a year this feb .... (srs as well)
On Thursday me and danny will officially be together 16 months. Goes by fast!
I was with my "baby daddy" till I caught him cheating while I was pregnant. We have been broken up for 13 months and have a 6 month old baby
He is with a fat ugly girl with a mustache and gained a ton of weight since we broken up. I thank God that I dodged a bullet with that one. He was crazy.
I don't have a bf, but everyone in school wont stop picking on me all cause i'm not sexually active!
Since they wouldn't stop asking me if I had a bf yet, I just said I did and that his name was Austin and he had tan skin, brown eyes, and brown hair with highlights and that he was skinny and a little bit taller than me, and that he was the same age. Lol he would be the imaginary guy that I would want and have a crush over, but he doesn't even exist!
Plus my mom is like a stalker to me so its almost impossible to get a bf cause she doesn't want me to have one and if I do get one shes gonna be mad at me and she like wont stop getting into all my business!
Last edited by Emiley; 01-25-2012 at 09:20 AM.