Zapdos (12-27-2024)
Should the Government place tax on foods considered "junkie/fattening" in order to tackle the problem of obesity in America?
I feel yes, those foods should be taxed because obesity is a growing problem in America and it leads to a list full of deadly diseases.
By making junk food a bit more expensive, people will start to buy more healthier options in my opinion.
What do you think?
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
Or they should outlaw the addictive additives food companies are allowed to add to food as well as the artificial sweeteners that are detrimental to people's health, like aspartame. All of these preservatives and dyes are causing a lot of the health problems, not just because they're are considered 'junk' food. While adding extra taxes would probably help some, I don't think making the poisons more expensive is the way to go, its removing them entirely.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
I say no because fat isn't the only thing that can make you gain weight. The Trans fat oil change was a nice touch but you can't stop someone from buying sugary items like Entimens cake. Sure if you tax items like chips and what not, they just turn to other products.
Sugary and starchy things turn into stored fat fyi.
Yes obesity is out of control in America but some of it's genetic and the other half is just bad habits.
I's say if they were obese, they would have to enter a mandatory health fitness plan for regular exercise and fitness.
What young people need is good habits and moderation, not tax on their food. Go put that tax money into joining your local YMCA.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
What about the.ones that are on disability and food stamps? Even higher tax won't stop the ones that get it for free anyways, sure they may not be able to buy a few extra products but it won't change anything. I don't feel pity for anyone that obese, population control eh? If they don't want to help themselves then let them eat till their death. You really think if they lost that weight they would become a productive member to society? I'm not heartless to all overweight people but for the ones that are on disability and have someone wait on them all day and get hand outs from the government shouldn't have programs to "slow" down their weight gain. I feel if they're already on that path taxing food won't do a damn thing.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
Another tax on the poor? Terrific idea! A tax on the poor you say? Yes, that's right, poor people are more likely to be obese-(you need an account to see links)(ostensibly by eating more junk food) To tax junk food is to tax the poor again. When I am in a supermarket, I am always struck by how much cheaper it is to by that week's meal-deal: Junk food packaged up into something respectable, available for a pound per diner. I'm a student who has little money, I'm basically forced to buy things like that a lot of the time. Increasing the price of the junk food will not solve the problem.
The solution lies rather in 2 schemes. Firstly, a more active Government approach to educating adults and, more importantly, children must be adopted, to ensure that all are aware of the problems with eating junk food and the very real risk that it entails. But secondly, we need a way of lowering the price of healthier food options. This could be done either by Government subsidy(tough in the current climate) or else by compelling supermarkets to subsidise the prices of healthier food from either their profits or from increased prices in non-essential areas.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
Yeah I agree with everyone else on this one.
I don't think a tax on "fatty" foods would really curb the problem.
It really depends what foods they would even impose the tax on. People would probably find some way around it, or the companies would find some work around that let their products slide by under the radar. It's all a game really.
If people want to buy it..then they will.
I know if something like cheese dip and tortilla chips had an extra tax on it, I'd still buy it every sunday before the football game lol
A fat tax wouldn't solve anything. In fact, it would probably make the economy worse. Healthy foods are already way more expensive than foods that are worse for you. Taxing fatty foods would just make all food expensive.
I think that there should be a tax on fatty foods and subsidize healthy foods.
People make the excuse that healthy food is more expensive. I think this is an overstatement. Yes those prepackaged 'healthy' meals are expensive, but they aren't the healthiest option. For example instead of buying a box of sugar filled cereal for breakfast, you can poach/fry/boil two eggs, have a slice of cheese on a rice cake/bread/corn bread and have two slices of ham. That meal cost about $2 per serving maximum...Not only will it keep you fuller for longer than the high carb and sugar cereal its low in fat and is in a good calorie range (200-300 calories). If you need more food, have a glass of milk (the milk which you would have purchased for the cereal) Buying fresh fruit and vege during their peak season is no more expensive than buying your frozen food alternative.
I agree that in public places however (such as university cafeterias, general eating and dining areas) the unhealthier options should cost more than the healthier options. I understand that a lot of the healthier options are perishable items (can't all be frozen and thus cannot be purchased in bulk) but no one will choose a 7$ salad over a 6$ burger deal with fries and a drink.
They should tax companies and restaurants selling very unhealthy food. And they should make healthy food cheaper, so people may buy them more. Tax for consumers would only made lot of them poorer.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)
I think that a fat tax should be placed on foods that are too fatty. Just like they do with cigarettes, they use the tax to combat the effects of obesity.
However fatty food is not the only reason for people getting fat. It would help if there was a tax but you would need to educated people who need it about what to eat and what not to eat.
Zapdos (12-27-2024)