Meerca chase, the name sounds like you need to chase down a meerca, but don't be fooled, you ARE the meerca in this game, however, you are chasing down neggs, to eat I assume. It's actually a pretty straight forward game and is almost a carbon copy of any snake game on a semi-old cell phone and some new phones.
The goal to this game is to collect the neggs, but, avoid the red neggs, they will ruin your day for some odd reason. All the while you are doing that you also have to avoid your own tail, which grows with each negg you get.
You can get an avatar from this game if you score a 1250 or higher.
First you need to pick your mode, and difficulty--
There are several modes you can play, and the standard easy, medium, and hard difficulties.
Classic-- Your basic snake--errr meerca game.
--In easy difficulty the points are 3x what the number is listed below for each negg.
--In medium difficulty they are 5x what is listed below.
--And in Hard difficulty they are 8x each number.
Freestyle mode-- In this mode you are constantly moving forward relative to the meerca, but when you turn one way or another it is a gradual turn compared to the hard 90 degree turns in the classic mode.
--Easy -- 3x the number by each negg will equal the points you get in this difficulty.
--Medium -- 6x each number.
-- Hard -- 10x each number.
On the above two modes you can choose the color of the background as pictured below, but on the rest of the modes you are stuck with the predesigned colors specific for each mode.
Maze mode-- Exactly as it sounds, you have fixed walls that sorta resemble a maze. However, you cannot touch them or it will end your game. You have to make your way around them to collect your neggs.
--Easy -- 3x the number listed by each colored negg below.
--Medium -- 8x each number.
--Hard -- 12x each number.
The following two modes are not available unless you type in "cheat" words, which I will reveal right above each mode.
Type superextrahypergravitymode to get the "funnel" mode, as i like to call it. Otherwise known as the stop-n-go mode.
This mode is like a giant funnel, except the neggs dont fall down through the hole, but if you dont be careful your character will.
This mode also only has one difficulty to it, Hard, where all the neggs are 18x the point value system, listed below.
Type ferociousneggsareontheloose to get the crazy black level where your red neggs are replaced with ferocious neggs (hence the cheat) that chase you around.
--hint-- to change the difficulty level for this mode, just end the game after it has started, it automatically starts in medium difficulty.
--Easy -- 3x the points for each negg listed below.
--Medium -- 7x each number listed.
--Hard -- 10x each number.
Below is each negg, and the basic points, please refer above to see how many points you would get on each mode and difficulty. They are listed according to point value but also similar to how often you may come across them.
-- -- yellow negg--1 Point
-- -- blue negg -- 3 Points
-- -- green negg -- 4 Points
-- -- grey negg -- 5 Points
-- -- gold negg -- 10 Points (This one looks almost exactly like a yellow one except this one is a lil more yellow-ish and makes a orange section on your tail)
-- -- rainbow negg -- 20 Points
-- -- power negg -- 33 Points
-- -- fish negg -- 50 Points
I use this little trick every time i play and it mostly pays off. Start your game normally, whatever mode/difficulty you wish to use, but, if you do not see a colored negg other than yellow, as the first negg on screen, click the end game button, the try again button untill you see a colored negg other than yellow.
Try using the "funnel" mode. It is kinda hard when you first try it but with practice you can quickly become a fairly skilled meerca chase player.
If you play the world challenge on this game, then try not to send a score of less than a thousand, myself, personally i never send a score of less than 1500, but im also pretty darn good at it and have gotten top scores several times.
Practice practice practice, i know it sounds lame/reduntant, but it really does help your game. If you find yourself bored, with nothing to do, play this game, if you do not take it seriously then it is actually very relaxing.
Thank you for reading
and good luck getting a trophy/avatar