Most likely. Maybe in a couple of days :/
The stop button is glitchy, so do not use it again xd
Hey people
I just wanted to ask what happens when you get 1 reviewed score on the majin score sender . Is it a 100% freeze ? Or will i get frozen sooner or later ?
Just some extra info , before i closed Majin Score Sender , i pressed the ' stop programm ' button , which did not work and led to my first 1 review . i used my list many times , 0 reviews each time . it was only this particular time that i got the review . Will i still get frozen ? Thanks for your answers and replies in advance .
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Most likely. Maybe in a couple of days :/
The stop button is glitchy, so do not use it again xd
Joelalala (01-22-2012)
You never know with TNT. It's not a 100% freeze. To be safe, lay low on that account for a week or two, let this blow over.
OK , thanks guys for your help =) Appreciate it .
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Did you use a proxy?
If the score you sent was done at an impossible time, yes, most likely.
So far I figured this out about MajinSS.
1. The stop/pause button doesn't work. If you want to stop it, you have to close it
2. The option "Repeat the list x times" is actually "Repeat the list x+1 times"
3. Any game score exceedingly high like 2.5M+ etc will eventually cause an overflow error
4.The Multiple Account option doesn't work properly
5.If the game isn't in the database, you can end up sending a review score without being alerted to it
Yeah, that's what I have so far. Not bad since the program hasn't been updated since it's first release and still working very well considering everything.
Just waiting for Joe to fix up the Multiple account option![]()
Thanks Evelsaint ! Useless information
But i would like to correct your fifth point , it may be wrong .
Look at my log :
11:33:43 PM: [726] - Sent Successfully! | Score 531
11:27:25 PM: GameID: 726 not in database, cannot check
So i'm sure if its only me , but i get that many times but 0 reviews .
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I'm using Cheat Engine with AoB to do trophies and avatars. Never ever got frozen, even with score review.
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You might find it useless but people who don't know end up sending review scores and finding their list being repeated and sent for a fourth time.
What you just showed up there is that the game is not in the database, meaning yes, you will get your 1K or whatever score you sent in.
However, it will not alert you if it got reviewed or not.
11:33:43 PM: [726] - Sent Successfully! | Score 53100
11:27:25 PM: GameID: 726 not in database, cannot check
The 53100 will go through, you get your np, then when you are banned, you think "WTF? But it said none of my scores were reviewed!"
But the Score is at 531 , not 53100
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You can use the "Stop" button however you need to press "Pause" then "Stop" to stop the process.
btw I remember one time, one of the score i send got review so i was like ok it gonna get ban so just let give away all the Nps so i donate almost all of it which is was 50k max at money tree and stil had more then 100k in the acc. you never know, they didn't ban me after all. not sure why.
Last edited by Neo; 02-04-2012 at 08:37 AM.