I haven't done the battle frontier in a while :/ But I would recommend
Charizard, Lapras, Metagross, Raichu or Electavire, Tyranitar or Rhyperior and Breloom for more of a balanced team that covers most types.
Okay, so if there is anybody out there who plays this, please help. I have been trying to do the Battle Frontier in HeartGold, but it seems like I can't win. Any sort of team suggestions?
I haven't done the battle frontier in a while :/ But I would recommend
Charizard, Lapras, Metagross, Raichu or Electavire, Tyranitar or Rhyperior and Breloom for more of a balanced team that covers most types.
GOAT (01-24-2012)
Try Dragonite, too. Maybe EV train your pets, not sure how much of a help it will be though.
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[02/24/2013] Stealth CORE is made into the first standalone Neopets auto-player.
GOAT (01-24-2012)
Someone got really far using this team although the amount of setting up is boring. Although they did get 2366 wins in a row before they took a break.
Mesprit @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252HP/4Def/252Spe
Nature: Bold
~ Trick
~ Thunderwave
~ Charm
~ Flash
Essentially weaken the opponent's first pokemon then switch to Drapion
Drapion @ Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 252HP/56Def/196SpD/4Spe
Nature: Careful
~ Crunch
~ Acupressure
~ Substitute
~ Rest
With Drapion Acupressure, until +6 stats in def, sp def. and attack or whatever. Then substitute if you have enough hp and then use crunch. Note: Acupressure does not work while in sub.
Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252Atk/4Def/252Spe
Nature: Jolly
~ Earthquake
~ Outrage
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance
Pretty standard. People consider it Uber in Pokemon Competive Play for a reason. Sword dance then wreck havoc.
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GOAT (01-24-2012)
Not much help but have you tried to Google this? Just put Battle Frontier in HeartGold team or something along the lines of that.
It helped me when i was trying to beat Soulsilver. (:
Infamous Joe is you.
GOAT (01-24-2012)
I had Gengar, Ampharos, Pidgeot, Lugia and Meganium. Seems balanced to me and if you don't have any other version to trade with, you can have any of those pokemons before battle frontier.
GOAT (01-24-2012)
Well the thing is for one, I always tried to make my own team instead of going off the Internet. I am open to suggestions though, as I like to experiment with different Pokemon. I often also try and research the stats of Pokemon and such before I start raising them. I ended up raising a lot of Pokemon, EV training them, but this became one of my better teams:
Azelf @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
EVs:255 SpA/255 Spe
Nature: Modest
~Signal Beam
~Shadow Ball
Heatran @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 255 SpA/255 Def
Nature: Quiet
~Dark Pulse
~Flash Cannon
~Magma Storm
~Earth Power
Salamence @ Focus Sash/Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 255 Atk/255 Spe
Nature: Lonely
~Fire Blast
~Stone Edge
I also have a Swampert and a Latios that I switch in at times, depending on how things are going.
Last edited by GOAT; 01-25-2012 at 06:39 PM.
Well I might suggesting dropping Fire Blast on Salamence mainly due to his nature and that your other two are carrying a fire move as well. Instead maybe have dragon dance or Dracometeor (if you still want a special on it).
I think u-turn might be a better option than signal beam so you can switch out. As signal beam is only super effective on grass, psychic, and dark which flamethrower and shadow ball covers that pretty well. And you probably don't want to stay in with Azelf if the opponent is using a dark type pokemon anyways.
I'm really not that familiar with Heatran so I can't help you that much there. Although since I hate having attacks miss, maybe heat wave instead of magma storm?
Any specifics areas that you noticed that you are having trouble with in the battle frontier? Also substitute would be helpful as well in case you face those that use the 1-hit KO moves.
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GOAT (01-25-2012)
All your pokemon should be around level 5-60. Change Fire blast for Dragon attack/Flamethrower. Train your Swampert and Latios! Attacks like surf, psychic and earthquake are destroying the othersIf you really want, you should train an other pokemon, because you have two dragons in your team. Something like grass/electric
GOAT (01-25-2012)
Okay yeah I suppose that Salamence shouldn't have Fire Blast by that logic, it is just that I wanted to cover his weaknesses as much as I could, but I guess Stone edge does that too...maybe a different physical type attack, or Dragon Dance. Good points. With Azelf, I wanted to capitalize on his Special Attack as much as possible, that is why I went with Signal Beam to deal with Dark types, along with the Expert Belt. If I ever run into a Sneasel or Weaville with Azelf I will make sure to switch out as fast as possible lol. With Heatran, I have been considering taking him out because he is weak to some of the most common types: Ground, Fighting, and Water. And I have only lost to one-hit KO moves once so I am not as worried about that. Oh and I never EVER put Latios and Salamence on the same team, that is just asking for it. Latios is my backup. By the way here they are...
Latios @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 255 SpA/255 SpD
Nature: Modest
~Ice Beam
~Shadow Ball
~Draco Meteor
~Luster Purge
Swampert @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: ...I don't really remember if I did any...
Nature: Mild
~Hammer Arm
~Ice Beam
~Hydro Cannon