^ and then your internet will never work because you'll never have the right drivers...
Try: (you need an account to see links)
Since I've bought Lion (mac's update) my interenet connexion is always disconnecting, like almost every hours. What can I do? D:
^ and then your internet will never work because you'll never have the right drivers...
Try: (you need an account to see links)
Slasher (01-21-2012)
Why did you get a mac to begin with?
Because they are far superior than any PC. And much much prettier. And I can run windows on mine better than I can on crappy PC hardware
This thread isn't about Mac vs. PC, stop spamming.
Let me know if that link doesn't work Slasher.
And Im not being all Apple fanboy. I have owned MANY Windows Desktop PC and 3 PC Laptops.
I just prefer the overall aesthetics and ease of use of a Mac. AND I can play games via Windows on my MacNot bashing anyone here, seriously.
Last edited by Ryan~; 01-21-2012 at 03:11 PM.
Thanks @(you need an account to see links) for this link, I checked and tryed some tips, we'll see if they work
And yeah, Mac are really awesome. So much easy to use, best design and less virus.
^if you buy one drivers all come preinstalled. If you build one 80% come on one disk.
---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ----------
Macs are far too expensive. They make you overpay for their hardware and the OS is way too much too. Its just a Linux flavor ya know.
I'm just saying. My girlfriends PC recently crapped out. Kept going into "startup repair" cycle. And wouldn't come out of it. So, I had to reinstall Windows. Lo and behold, I had to track down the drivers for it.
I just like Macs. Sure they cost a lot. But the only problem I've ever had with both of mine is when I purposely edited a major system file and it killed the computer. But even then, I fixed it easily
And yeah, I know it's a Linux flavor. but I have the money to spend on them, so it's not really a negative thing for me.
I could probably easily build a machine and throw OSX on it with some work. Right?
I hate Mac vs PC debates. lol I like one thing, you like another.
Last edited by Ryan~; 01-21-2012 at 03:17 PM.
God I just called Apple. It last 25 minutes (around 15 minutes of waiting) and guy just told me to close and reopen my modem and computer -_-' Did not help...
Last edited by Slasher; 01-21-2012 at 04:28 PM.
Do other computers on your network do this too? Does the internet work on them? Could be your ISP.
this happened with my mom's imac, she took it in and there was a faulty part, they replaced the entire computer
[9/3/12 11:11:58 PM] Joanna: sigh
[9/3/12 11:12:14 PM] Joanna: john
[9/3/12 11:12:16 PM] Joanna: is
[9/3/12 11:12:17 PM] Joanna: perfect