Not sure how I'm going to raise him, but I know my child will be:
the smartest
the best at sports
the best looking
the funniest
the tallest
pretty much like me ; )
What values will you impart on your (future) offspring unit? Will you be lenient or strict? What kind of lifestyle will you try to give him/her? Would you teach the unit about Santa Claus and the flexibility of sexual identity at a young age? Will you push your unit into trying different things? And so on.
How will you raise your offspring unit?
Persuasion. From the very start I'd teach it to argue well. Pretty much inspired by (you need an account to see links). I highly doubt I'd care about dealing with a "brat" that's questioning/trying to backsass me at every turn as long as it's making a valid point. In essence, this teaches logic and critical thinking (and perhaps in some sense, social manipulation?)
Compassion and tolerance. I would definitely teach them to be compassionate and open-minded. Seeing other people's viewpoints is critical to having a good character, IMO. Might also make them less likely to be delinquents. I'd also teach them to keep things in perspective from a young age. This might keep them from seeing everything as the-end-of-the-world later on when they're teenagers.
Constant building up. IMO, I've always been tough, but fair. This would probably mean that I'd encourage them to succeed at everything -- academics, athletics, and dealing with people, but be realistic if I seriously doubt their ability in basketball. However, I'd encourage them to keep practicing rather than give up, since practice produces results. Self-confidence is an amazing thing.
Stepping back. However if they end up anything like me, they'll hate having authority figures telling them what to do. I was lucky enough to have very lenient parents who just let me do whatever I want. But if they're definitely spiraling down into depression or getting into drugs, I'm checking them in with a therapist/rehab o-e.
And lastly, I'd take them to the library, the museum, and the zoo as often as I can. My parents did the same every week and it's one of the best things they could ever do when I was a kid.
You guys?
Not sure how I'm going to raise him, but I know my child will be:
the smartest
the best at sports
the best looking
the funniest
the tallest
pretty much like me ; )
So basically you're going to let him live in a bubble. Be a seven foot freak, and so on. I'm just lamenting for all those poor girls who want him but are having problems dealing with the height difference.
Got it ;D
ive had friends who talked about this
fast forward to having kids
it doesnt always work out the way you plan :/
Sherri (01-10-2012)
I would allow it to leech experience points off of me until it reaches a decently high level. Then I would release it into the wild and allow it to fend for itself.
I can see that.
However, I doubt I'd be like... tearing my kids down instead of building them up or trying to teach them to be assholes instead of imparting compassion/tolerance. Could you elaborate a bit?
I'd definitely be teaching them that it's okay to like the same gender, for example, and teaching them about LGBT issues and whatnot. It'd be terrible if that bit didn't "go as planned" =/.
Well one grew up working very hard and very family oriented, was appalled by the way parents would let their children run wild, talk rudely to adults, act very spoiled, etc and said that would never happen and he would keep them in line (use appropriate punishment)
then he married a girl who grew up with a spoon in her mouth who will not tolerate any sort of real punishment besides "youre losing your toy for a few minutes or until you whine enough".
So yeah his kids run wild, are rude, and theyre already so ingrained in those habits its hard to see things changing too much
In all seriousness, I would allow them to do whatever they wanted provided its reasonable. I would try to guide them but not be too imposing.
I am going to teach them that having a degree, or several, will get them further in life. Does not need to have graduate degree or MD, just something that shows me they were serious about having an education in the field they want. Education to me is of top priority, if they are good in school I can hope that they will be mature and hence I would not have to worry about their behavior. To me if they are highly educated all the good behaviors will already be established, they will have a good work ethic, take responsibilities seriously, and have respect for higher peers. That is just how I see it, my mom never went to college and she was so proud of me going because I now have opportunities that she never had so I will feel the same for my child and expect them to carry on the high education to guarantee their success in the future. If they do not go and pursue a higher education I will be disappointed. And I will not tolerate deviant behavior, if they end up being a stumbling drunk in a bar every night type kid and not pursuing an education then they cannot come to me for money if they are kicked out of their apartment or sent to jail. I have high standards for avoidance of deviant behavior and I will make that very known, plus if my bf ends up being a cop like he is currently pursuing that avoidance of deviant behavior will by no means be tolerated.