Khelddar (01-11-2012),randomer95 (01-16-2012),Senpai (01-11-2012)
Serious answers please. I am curious to see various points of views.
GOD vs. Science
A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the students,
A sad, crude, twisted little girl.
Khelddar (01-11-2012),randomer95 (01-16-2012),Senpai (01-11-2012)
That was complete bullshit Honestly. Shit like that makes me cry.
1) Evolution has been observed, tested and evaluated. It is scientific. People don't doubt the laws of gravity. You can't see it, touch it or smell it (like the dumb student says above) but yet you cannot deny that there is some of (gravitational) force that keeps everything with our atmosphere on the surface and not floating around endless into space and eventually dying. Likewise, there is plenty of documented evidence of evolution taking place now and in the past. I can list these later if you want.
2)Which god? Why is the student's god the right god? Why isn't thor or odin the true god? I don't see any ice-giants on earth but I see 'evil' or 'bad' people breaking the 10 commandments all the time. What about our ancestors that believed in Zeus or Ra? Were they simply delusional and why are individuals today who believe in any sort of god, not classified the same?
3) Science teachers (and ALL other teachers) are not PREACHERS. They are trained educators that teach students everything they need to know. You wouldn't accuse an english teacher of preaching about the laws and rules of english (or any other language) grammar. They attended university, suffered atleast 5 years of study which whilst may had included partying, ask any PhD or masters student and ask them how much of a social life they have. Furthermore ANYONE who is educated i.e a police officer enforcing the law, a doctor informing you about an illness, a scientist explaining the natural world or engineer explaining how bridges are built is not a preacher. They might love their work and be enthusiastic about their work (they did dedicated their time and money into it...just like any other passion) but it in no way makes them a preacher.
lol I love things like this, God this and God that and then the resulting "well obviously there is no love for God so that is why the situation happens". No, evil things happen because people choose for things to happen. I have no problem with people and their religions whatever they may be that is their choice and they can live it however they wish, I show complete respect for their opinion to follow that path. What I do not care for is the pushing of religion onto people that do not want it or stating that "you are wrong because God says so" if someone has a different opinion. I am totally devoted to scientific thought, however I am not going to tell a person that does not believe in science that they are missing a part of their lives and should attend a University to educate themselves so that they are not so "empty" of logic, I will not tell someone that. That is outright rude and disrespectful so I maintain that if someone of faith does not believe in evolution for example then it is their opinion and if they wish to seek information they can do so on their own terms.
My favorite of this blurb was the brain part, just cut it up the skull and you have all the proof you need. I have cut up a brain before, not human, but a brain nonetheless.
You realize this thread will never end.
I dont have an input on this lol.
I believe. I'm a christian, i'm not all in your face about it,
i'm not against gays, I don't thin they will go to hell
I hate how most christians killed our good image.
hiddenwaybelow (01-11-2012),Sari (01-08-2012)
This. I'm Catholic. I believe God created free will. If someone doesn't want to believe something, they don't have to. And with gays or any other frowned on type of person (by the church) has the right to do what they do. Once again free will.
I don't know if I even said what I meant to. Basically I believe in God. But I'm not going to shove it on someone.
Epic (01-08-2012)
I loved it, it's completely true.
I loved it,completely true and realistic xD
For more reading, check out this fiction God's debris by Scott Adam, downloadable here (you need an account to see links). Cheers!