Watch your language, you're 13! >;o
Lol share your stories, here's mine, almost all of them have to do with SSing cause I don't know which scores are possible or impossible, I only know which scores a possible for meerca chase 2 now:
LOL my oh shit moment was when I sent an impossible meerca chase 2 score, and got the trophy too. My score was accepted, but the whole AC took a screenie I think of all my impossible game scores and my whole account and all that crap and mann, the AC totally stopped liking me. I got frozen within like 2 or 3 months, then I made a new account, and now the AC seems to like me and they don't even know its me I think. I also got an impossible score in advert attack with a SSer lol. My score got reviewed :/
Watch your language, you're 13! >;o
brb 4 minutes to new year
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Emily, Sherri+
Hi Sherri! *Waves* Lol.
Are you popular on the AC? I lurk there a lot.
Omg happy new year sherri
Sherri (01-01-2012)
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Steve, Kristin, Sherri, zlolekim
Sherri (01-01-2012)