so far premium stuff hasnt been that wild for me, most of the stuff i want (aka stamps) is in the normal pool anyway. already got 2 of em doing it on...
for myself personally it would be so hard to define. one of the things i like about neo is that there are so many different ways to play, and if you...
omg yess thank you. i was thinking the same thing. like it sounds like the family was dealing with a lot. but they dont say anything about trying to...
anyone else just catch the board with a user ranting about thier life? i was just typing out a post and then it was nuked. didnt last very long lmao....
I've been playing actively, though I mostly collect the plushies/beanbags/books read/food eaten. I like to dress up my HA but I dont do it that much...
Echoing the sentiment that you don't need to be a coder/programmer to gain rep. You can gain rep for being helpful around the forums. If you want to...