I cannot believe I forgot to send you a Merry Christmas post, so HAPPY SOON TO BE NEW YEAR to the cutest poke that's ever slowed!
Thank you for the help! It's somewhat manageable with the red, white and green I had!
I love your peppermint gradient on your ryu bar! Any chance you could share if you used three or four options on how to get it so flowy? I'd like to do mine simar but with red, green and white
Sleepy Slowpoke is sooo cute
I love your stack right now still. Soooooo gorg
❤️ The taste jumped out!!! Thank you!
💛🧟 My profile has been zombified!!
Popping in to say hi and I’m alive! Just gave birth a week and a half ago so I haven’t been active in recent months
Thank you for saving Q! I haven't logged in for a month, I'm so touched he's still alive!