Conversation Between Pidgey and Bulbasaur

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh my word! Ooooh my word they are so amazing! Im so excited for you to have all three!
    I love them all!

  2. Ivysaur felt lonely so I got the rest of them. Thought you'd appreciate them!!
    Didn't realize how big the image was. Spoiled it
  3. Oh Thank you!
    I was so excited when I unlocked it! I looove the colors for it lol
    I seemed to unlock it around 8:35pm! A few others have said that they unlocked it around that time as well.
  4. Jealous of your lavalicious-ness!!
  5. Oh my word Pigeon! Thank you for sharing that
    It got me pretty emotional tbh lol Its so sweet!

    I really needed that pick-me-up today
  6. Happy Valentines Day!
    You really have done so much for me! I truly appreciate everything!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7