Conversation Between Aethean and j03

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Very cool. I probably tried using some of your programs at one point. It's nice to see you've joined this forum after so long!
  2. Ah didn’t quite understand what you meant by shared. Yes I was a programmer at 3vo and released many programs including a user shop auto buyer.
  3. I remember seeing your name around these forums quite a long time ago. You weren't the person that shared a user-shop auto-buyer at one point? Sorry for any confusion... just looking to catch up on a memory!
  4. Slopdog no, I was however mostly on neofreaks, 3volutionize and gaminggutter. Also, share programs?
  5. Your name is very familiar. Were you on SlopDog or some other past community? Wondering if you're the same person that used to share programs.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5