Conversation Between Baphomet and Excalibur

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you Exaclibur! I draw occasionally but I'm usually shy to post or when I draw I get distracted then never finish what I start lol but I've been lurking around and I'm finding alot of awesome forums and people and I'm loving it. I love how kind it is here and I appreciate everyone's love!
  2. its all good to be a lurker! ranking up can be daunting but as youve posted prior, youre doing just fine!

    people are scary, this forum as a collective is so open and friendly everyone here will lend a hand!

    do you like art? do you draw? you could post something for requests? or do you do stuff IRL that could help here? lil guides and stuff best of luck on your cK journey!

    and thanks
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