Conversation Between Freeloaders_Soceity and Da Plushee Boree

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for your concern. I was very fortunate with my illness. My children are the best part of a huge support team. We lost their Daddy on Christmas Day a few years ago, my illness has created a caring nature in them that has always been there but is now more forthcoming. I missed out on so much during my recovery. A Granddaughter graduated from College, my youngest grandchild turned 18 and my oldest Great-grandson turned 13. His Neopets account Matured to an adult account. He waited for me to convert it to Adult. Then he joined a Guild. It is for teens and well supervised. I was tickled pink when the Guild leader notified me he had joined. Thank you so much for your message. My name is Sky.
  2. Hi! Saw your post in the 'My Neopet Story' thread and even tho we haven't met yet, i'm happy and relieved you could go through this wild illness and recover ♥ I really hope you're doing better and better each day and that you and your fam are fine and healthy!

    *Did you feed your neopets? hahah*
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