Conversation Between Ice and Ismira

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes omg!! The nostalgia haha even though it's in a pretty shitty state I still play a bit 😂 the character sprites and the crazy chairs are iconic though. I probably started playing when I was about 12
  2. AHA! I knew they looked familiar! I used to play MapleStory when I was like.. 15/16. What a blast from the past!
    Thank you for the link to the simulator! I used something similar for GaiaOnline way back when.
  3. Omg nooo haha they're game sprites that I make in a simulator! 🙈 They're from the game MapleStory the website is haha
  4. Stop it. How do you always have the cutest avatars? Do you make them?
  5. Ice? I don't know her! Tis I, Fire, Ice's evil twin! I have locked Ice inside a meat locker for the month of April, mwahaha!!
  6. Ice, is that you?! :o
  7. Sorry about that haha!! Happy Holidays ^_^
  8. Darn, didn’t work lol. At least I tried..
  9. Hope you don’t mind that I’m using your profile as my guinea pig in hopes of unlocking these new scenes..

    Happy Hanukkah!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9