Conversation Between lint and j03

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Feliz Navidad! Hope you have a great and restful one!!

  2. I appreciate the kind words, especially around this time of the year. We turned 12 years old this week! I hope you continue to see some of the positive elements we've introduced back in 2012 still around the community, and you still feel like this is a safe/home-y space you can resort to online! Always striving to make it more enjoyable around here...

    Enjoy your Christmas and holidays as well, and a Happy New Year!
  3. Hello! I just wanna say that I greatly appreciate the work you do on this forum to not only maintain it, but help people with questions related to programming. I feel like that's something that can be very "gate-keepy" in other communities, but it feels like a much more open topic here to help others learn or understand how bots and things like that work! I really like that you and your team make Clraik feel like more than just a Neopets forum and I feel like I pretty much engage with anything BUT Neopets (ironically enough) on here and I'm not mad about it lol.

    Have a great Christmas and rest of your year!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4