Conversation Between mumbajumba and starsandmoon

7 Visitor Messages

  1. We have played well, I have no regret tbh .. I do feel bad for them three though lol ...... I had yesterday off - it was my partner's birthday so I made a cake, put up a birthday do for him and made ossobuco - took the entire bloody day and my Ryu was dying because of that LOL
  2. It was definitely a class game. As soon as Italy got the last pen I kicked off and stormed straight to bed in a mood hahahaha.
    I'm proper hungover this morning, but I work from home so I can't call in sick!! Gutted!! How are you today?
  3. Good excuse to call in sick tomorrow I see... XDD

    Gutted but honestly,it was a good game!!
  5. PENALTY SHOOTOUT AGAIN!!! FFS ������������������������������������������������
  6. My throat feels a bit sore and I cant tell ya it's not from Rhona HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  7. Oh my gooooooooooodddddddddddddddd I feel sick
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7