Conversation Between Alister and Dita

5 Visitor Messages

  1. YOOO I did not know any other Killing Stalking volumes were out already!!! That's awesome, I'm stoked you have them. Does five cover the end of the series? I'd love to be able to read through the end all at once.
  2. I need you to know I properly bought up to book 5 for Killing Stalking and have been so happy having physical copies! So excited for part 5 to be here in December
  3. UMMM not want, but need??!?! how do I compel this website to ship this to my house, this is amazing

    I meant to reply to you way earlier but wanted to show you these prints I got a con a few years ago and it took me a bit to find where I'd stashed them

    saw them, needed them, snuck back down to the Artist Alley alone to buy them so my normie friends wouldn't see what kind of weird shit I like xD

    We have been blessed 🙌 ☺️
  5. Aww thank you 🥰 I love seeing it around the forum now! I hope I get to do more avatars. I love your little Salem btw! So cute. I can't wait to see the mimikyu. That is also one of my favorites!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5