Conversation Between lint and Excalibur

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy New Year to you too, my friend! Hope your new year is brings in lots of good times and keep going in the gym and staying strong!! 💪 ♥

  2. Happy New Years!!!

  3. Lint you are so wonderful! Only the secret society of 90s kids who had parents that gave no TV filters know what those movies are LOL

    Merry Christmas & thank you.
  4. Hey buddy! Hope you have a great Christmas and rest of December!! I've had fun this year chatting around with you, but also omg you like Hot Shots Part Deux lmfao. Like, WHO ELSE KNOWS AND LIKES THAT MOVIE?! xD

  5. im just glad youre doing great lint! so happy! happy to see you back too!
  6. Hey! It's been awhile for sure. This past summer kicked my butt lol. I'm just now starting to resurface 😅 but all good! Very productive, but very busy. Hope you've been well these past few months
  7. LINT! i havent seen your name in a MINUTE hope all is well <3
  8. sorry i wanted to respond here. i know the mods have been talking about spam lately tbh im a little afraid of posting stuff unless it have 6 sentences and my life experience lol. but i totally feel you. remember the old days when we just got up to JUST play and lollygag around?! now its like we literally have to use the time wisely or else our bones ache and it sucks
  9. <3 My ryu and I thank you lots
  10. ryu is all taken care of <3
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