Conversation Between Baklava and Excalibur

3 Visitor Messages

  1. YO!! i love the base Zs easy and cheapest way to modify one! i had a base 370, and a enthusiast 350! ill see if i can find some. I mean i get it! long term theyre not a family car but if given the ability def should keep for racing!
  2. damn, i managed to find my old photos of it.
    i was a spoiled brat and my mom got it for me when i turned 18. ON CHRISTMAS EVE! I called it my Christmas i kept it for almost 7 years. this june i traded it in for a 2023 kia rio. I know...who does that?XD
    but i really wanted a car with CarPlay, a trunk, and 4 seats, and way better MPG. When gas was like 5$ during covid it suuucked. I guess that's what happens when u get old.
    I did love driving the 2013 370z for 6 years though.

  3. send Zudes!!

    370Z pics lol!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3