View Full Version : Websites so slow could it be the server

01-10-2024, 06:33 AM
I am using resellers server, my websites are loading so slow.

I use divi to design but it feels like other peoples divi's sites are way faster
Could it be the reseller server that is slow?
How can I test this without moving a site to another server or can I "create like a local host" on my PC would that be a good test?

01-10-2024, 07:27 AM
Setting up a local web server would be a good way to test your site's performance, although you'd mostly be ruling out whether or not dedicated resources and unlimited bandwidth were the issue in that case. You may also benefit from troubleshooting load times for simpler content on your website, such as plain html web pages with no client scripts or server-side programming within them needing to be executed, or images and videos of various file sizes to determine if it's a bandwidth, request handling, or code performance issue.