View Full Version : Pokemon Go! Haven't played since the first summer.

08-20-2023, 01:02 AM
I haven't played Pokemon Go since the first summer is was introduced. I lost 22 lbs that summer thanks to the game. I am so far behind though since then. Is it even worth it to start back up? I know I can't be high levels to help in team battles in the gyms. I feel like I wouldn't be successful at anything anymore. I am severely competitive, so c9ntinuously not being successful at battles will hurt my soul. I promise, I am not exaggerating. So, what is your opinion? Is it worth me trying to get started again? Being a low level Pokemon trainer?

08-20-2023, 12:47 PM
It depends if you really want to or not. If I only battled probably not. I like to catch the pokemon and complete the quests so I stick around. Maybe just use it when you're bored to catch stuff? For me it's admittedly when I'm on the toilet, it's a great Twitter alternative! haha :p

Have you thought about doing competitive in the video games instead? It's a lot more fun imo. :)

08-21-2023, 12:07 AM
You can really jump in and out whenever. Some pokemon are only available at certain times and through events but they always keep it updated with something new regularly.

I play almost everyday and I just catch Pokemon and put them in gyms. I don't trade or battle really at all which works for me, I do want to get more into raids though. I'm mainly a collector and connoisseur of getting perfect 4* Pokemon. I'd say play every now and then if you enjoy Pokemon, the worst you can do is drain some battery life.

08-21-2023, 10:40 AM
Such memories! The first summer I spent with my husband on a new place was the same time PoGo launched. Tbh it was a blessing, we we're just moving out far from both our families and the game distraction and the friendly people that allowed us to meet was a great help back then ❤️

That summer we made new friends, met several places, learnt a lot! Tons of fun, it's one of those good times you just never forget.

I'd say you can always go back to the game Rebel, I believe nowadays it's easier to grind for experience with the events and stuff like that? You can go on and off too!

Besides summer it's a perfect time to try going out and explore :D Just take your time by leveling up, levels are capped so eventually you will get there :)

08-21-2023, 11:29 AM
I'd say it's worth it for sure! There's been a lot of fun features added if you haven't played since the original summer. Raids are a lot of fun in particular, and they're a group effort - a lower level trainer can still participate. Plus things like special research and more events had made leveling up MUCH easier than was possible back in the early years.

there's also a few of us in cK who are very active lately and I'm sure would be happy to help you out. For instance, if you add me as a friend in-game, after we build up our friendship level a bit I can send you some of my extra legendary Pokemon (I have 40+ Xerneas right now please take a dozen of them from me)

08-21-2023, 11:35 AM
As someone who is on and off with Pokemon Go, I find it easy to jump back into! If you just want to do things like catch Pokemon or participate in a Community Day/event, there should be no problem for you ^^ I'm not sure about the battling aspect as I mostly just collect.

08-23-2023, 11:01 AM
personally if youre low level i would do the PGSharp. I did it awhile back and it really helped create my unlimited pokeball source and items. Once i got all of those, i was able to freely walk around my current neighbor and do raids with the powerful mons i had kept. then i stopped playing. i understand their thirst for cash but i havent been in in for a long time. not since when it was first released and there was an overwhelming amount of world peace. i think 16'?