View Full Version : Non-Vanilla UC Bingo

01-03-2023, 09:47 PM
So I bet all of you have seen UC bingos going around, where people check bingo for every unique UC pet they have on their trading chains. We’ve seen it, some of us even play it, and although it’s fun, it’s not CK fun. I recently bought a UC and it never even touched my main account - I traded it from my shell account, and kept trading til I was happy to have that as part of a main account chain. It’s a pet I can’t check on my regular bingo - I could, but at what cost to my legitimacy?
With that being said, I came up with a different bingo - one we could appreciate here on CK rather than on Neopets: it’s the Non-Vanilla UC Bingo. It works as a regular UC bingo: you check the ones you’ve had, and motivate yourself to get the other checks. However, you can’t check anything you got legitimately through adoption/trading.

Valid bingo checks:
☑️Pets you bought
☑️Pets you sold
☑️Pets you laundered
☑️Pets you traded + USD/NC/NP (whichever end of the trade)

Not valid bingo checks:
❌Pets you traded your cute converted/previous UC/custom/BD
❌Pets you’ve had since before the conversion
❌Pets you traded legitimately for
❌Pets you applied for

I’m curious to see how this goes.
Let the games begin!

01-03-2023, 09:52 PM
Hmm that’s interesting. I haven’t seen this onsite before, I guess I don’t browse the boards often enough.

I have been looking through old pet logs recently and think it’s funny seeing where some of the pets I sold ended up. I’m sure most of the owners don’t even know their pet was pulled from an inactive account lol

01-03-2023, 10:06 PM
I'm coming up with my list and uh... it's bigger than I realised!

Can anyone tell me if linking the original bingo here might be against the rules? It's a petpage where most bingo players get their coding from.

- - - Updated - - -

My Non-Vanilla Bingo Checks:

Tier 1

☑️ Darigan Mynci
☑️ Mutant Buzz
☑️ Mutant Jetsam
☑️ Mutant Meerca
☑️ Mutant Scorchio

Tier 2

☑️ Coconut Jubjub
☑️ Darigan Jetsam
☑️ Faerie Kau
☑️ Halloween Zafara
☑️ Maraquan Chomby
☑️ Tyrannian Techo

Tier 3

☑️ Darigan Zafara
☑️ Faerie Kougra
☑️ Grey Grundo
☑️ Grey Jetsam
☑️ Mutant Skeith
☑️ Robot Kacheek

Tier 4

☑️ Darigan Bori
☑️ Darigan Hissi
☑️ Darigan Peophin
☑️ Grey Chomby
☑️ Tyrannian Bori

Tier 5

☑️ Faerie Ixi
☑️ Faerie Lenny
☑️ Faerie Shoyru
☑️ Plushie Flotsam

Tier 6

☑️ Darigan Aisha
☑️ Darigan Ixi

Tier 7

None yet :(

Tier 8

☑️ Maraquan Krawk
☑️ Plushie Cybunny

Tier 9

☑️ Plushie Blumaroo
☑️ Plushie Ixi

Tier 10

☑️ Plushie Gnorbu

02-02-2023, 06:15 PM
Oooo I got curious what my bingo would like like so here we go! I don't think it's entirely accurate since my accounting is pretty bad, but still fun to think back on everything:

Tier 1

☑️ Darigan Mynci
☑️ Darigan Shoyru
Desert Poogle
☑️ Halloween Lupe
Maraquan Scorchio
Mutant Buzz
Mutant Jetsam
Mutant Lupe
☑️ Mutant Meerca
☑️ Mutant Scorchio
Mutant Usul
Sponge Grundo
Tyrannian Nimmo
Tyrannian Quiggle

Tier 2

Baby Eyrie
☑️ Baby Kougra
☑️ Coconut Jubjub
☑️ Darigan Grundo
Darigan Jetsam
☑️ Darigan Lenny
☑️ Darigan Meerca
☑️ Darigan Moehog
Darigan Tonu
☑️ Darigan Uni
☑️ Desert Kau
☑️ Faerie Kau
Grey Koi
Halloween Wocky
☑️ Halloween Zafara
Maraquan Chomby
Maraquan Grarrl
Robot Blumaroo
Robot Gnorbu
Robot Jetsam
Sponge Moehog
Tyrannian Kau
☑️ Tyrannian Lenny
☑️ Tyrannian Mynci
Tyrannian Techo

Tier 3

Baby Skeith
Darigan Acara
Darigan Buzz
Darigan Grarrl
☑️ Darigan Lupe
Darigan Skeith
☑️ Darigan Usul
☑️ Darigan Zafara
☑️ Desert Aisha
☑️ Faerie Kougra
☑️ Faerie Kyrii
☑️ Faerie Meerca
☑️ Faerie Moehog
Grey Grundo
☑️ Grey Jetsam
☑️ Grey Kau
Grey Lupe
Grey Meerca
Grey Techo
☑️ Marshmallow Grundo
Mutant Hissi
☑️ Mutant Skeith
Robot Kacheek
Sponge Kiko
Sponge Koi
☑️ Tyrannian Blumaroo
Tyrannian Peophin
☑️ Tyrannian Skeith

Tier 4

☑️ Darigan Blumaroo
Darigan Bori
☑️ Darigan Cybunny
☑️ Darigan Eyrie
☑️ Darigan Hissi
Darigan Jubjub
Darigan Kau
☑️ Darigan Kougra
☑️ Darigan Peophin
Darigan Pteri
☑️ Darigan Scorchio
☑️ Darigan Techo
Faerie Blumaroo
Grey Chomby
☑️ Grey Flotsam
Grey Grarrl
Grey Jubjub
Grey Moehog
Grey Mynci
Grey Poogle
☑️ Grey Shoyru
Grey Uni
Halloween Moehog
Robot Pteri
Tyrannian Bori
☑️ Usukiboy Usul

Tier 5

☑️ Darigan Bruce
☑️ Darigan Kyrii
☑️ Darigan Yurble
☑️ Faerie Aisha
☑️ Faerie Ixi
Faerie Lenny
Faerie Pteri
☑️ Faerie Shoyru
Faerie Peophin
☑️ Faerie Ruki
☑️ Grey Cybunny
☑️ Grey Eyrie
☑️ Grey Gelert
☑️ Grey Kacheek
☑️ Grey Kougra
Grey Kyrii
☑️ Grey Peophin
Grey Pteri
☑️ Grey Scorchio
Grey Tonu
Grey Skeith
☑️ Grey Wocky
☑️ Grey Yurble
Grey Zafara
☑️ Ice Bruce
☑️ Maraquan Gelert
Maraquan Hissi
☑️ Maraquan Kau
Maraquan Skeith
Plushie Bruce
☑️ Plushie Buzz
Plushie Flotsam
☑️ Sponge Blumaroo
Sponge Lupe
☑️ Usukigirl Usul

Tier 6

☑️ Darigan Aisha
Darigan Gelert
☑️ Darigan Ixi
☑️ Darigan Korbat
☑️ Faerie Wocky
☑️ Faerie Xweetok
☑️ Faerie Yurble
☑️ Grey Acara
☑️ Grey Aisha
☑️ Grey Ixi
Grey Korbat
☑️ MSP Poogle
Plushie Chomby
☑️ Plushie Grundo
Plushie Kiko
☑️ Robot Ixi
☑️ Sponge Peophin
☑️ Tyrannian Ixi

Tier 7

☑️ Darigan Kacheek
Faerie Tonu
☑️ Faerie Tuskaninny
Grey Usul
☑️ Plushie Jetsam
☑️ Plushie Kacheek
Plushie Mynci
☑️ Plushie Shoyru
☑️ Plushie Zafara
Quigukiboy Quiggle
☑️ Quigukigirl Quiggle
Royalgirl Mynci
☑️ Sponge Aisha
☑️ Tyrannian Draik
☑️ Tyrannian Krawk

Tier 8

☑️ Darigan Krawk
☑️ Faerie Grarrl
☑️ Grey Krawk
☑️ Maraquan Krawk
☑️ Plushie Acara
☑️ Plushie Cybunny
Plushie Eyrie
☑️ Plushie Kau
Plushie Koi
Plushie Kougra
☑️ Plushie Meerca
Plushie Poogle
Plushie Pteri
☑️ Plushie Scorchio
Plushie Skeith
Plushie Techo
Plushie Tonu
Plushie Tuskaninny
☑️ Royalboy Kougra
Royalgirl Kougra
Royalboy Mynci

Tier 9

☑️ Darigan Draik
☑️ Faerie Draik
☑️ Faerie Techo
Plushie Aisha
Plushie Blumaroo
☑️ Plushie Bori
Plushie Chia
☑️ Plushie Draik
Plushie Elephante
☑️ Plushie Gelert
☑️ Plushie Grarrl
☑️ Plushie Hissi
☑️ Plushie Ixi
☑️ Plushie Jubjub
☑️ Plushie Korbat
☑️ Plushie Krawk
Plushie Lenny
☑️ Plushie Lupe
Plushie Quiggle
☑️ Plushie Uni
☑️ Plushie Wocky
☑️ Plushie Yurble
☑️ Royalboy Acara
☑️ Royalgirl Aisha
☑️ Royalboy Cybunny
☑️ Royalgirl Cybunny
Royalboy Draik
☑️ Royalgirl Draik
☑️ Royalboy Korbat
Royalgirl Korbat
☑️ Royalgirl Lupe
Royalboy Shoyru
☑️ Royalgirl Shoyru

Tier 10

☑️ Darigan Wocky
☑️ Plushie Gnorbu
☑️ Plushie Kyrii
☑️ Plushie Moehog
☑️ Plushie Nimmo
☑️ Plushie Peophin
Plushie Usul
☑️ Royalgirl Grarrl
☑️ Royalboy Kau
☑️ Royalgirl Kau
☑️ Royalboy Kyrii
☑️ Royalgirl Kyrii

02-02-2023, 07:46 PM
There should be a bought, got frozen, got unfrozen and then laundered check too.

VWN T9 Plushie here ahahahahha