View Full Version : Who's your favourite League of Legends champion? 🇬🇬 🧙🏻 🌌

12-03-2022, 01:40 AM
I don't play competitively at all, but I do make sure to play ARAMs from time to time with friends or alone. League is still a neat game in my opinion, even though it does make me want to rage, lol! It's probably too difficult to get into these days. Anyway!

Pretty straight forward, if you happen to play league: Who are your favourite and least favourite champions?

"The Crystal Vanguard"

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Skarner is easily my favourite of them all. His R is super unique and so much fun. Very iconic! I'll never get tired of it. Even if you're losing, you can grab people and drag their defenseless bodies around, lol!

Good design, emotional lore, easy to learn.
He definitely isn't the strongest and isn't very popular either. He feels very unbalanced and not up to date with the newer champions, but I do love this Scorpion a lot. I will never stop maining him. :)

❌❌❌ Most disliked champion: Fizz ❌❌❌

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Can one-shot you when fed, and they punish people with poor positioning and people who are bad at playing safe.
Most untargetable abilities are inherently frustrating to play against. His E is literally the best spell... It's way too good and annoying to play against. Fizz in URF is brutal, lol.
You don't need skills to play him. Yi might be the worst, but Fizz is definitely up there, IMO.

If you're a Fizz main, we can't be friends! I'm sorry. Zenitsu hates Fizz and would like to see him dead! 🦈🦈

12-03-2022, 05:28 PM
Ooo, what a neat idea! I can always talk about some LoL :o_o:
I have been playing League on and off since about Season 3. It has been a LONG journey of playing the game either every single day OR not playing for months, lmao. I still play these days, however, all I ever have motivation for is ARAM or featured game modes. If I had to choose a favorite champion, just one, it would be easy:

"Nami, the Tidecaller"

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Role: Support
I picked her up immediately and loved Nami's kit from the first week she came out! I wanted a mermaid in league and I finally got one! :$ She is great at being aggressive, or peel-y, and is versatile in any comp so I pick her up in almost any match-up in the bot lane and do well. She is my most played support.

Honorable mention for favorite champion because I don't wanna pick a worst (F you Fizz, though):

"Vi, the Piltover Enforcer"

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Role: Jungler/Bruiser
Need I say more?
What a badass. I was never a fan of the jungle role until I started playing Vi. She has a gap closer, a sick ult, she beats the hell out of people and I love her character design. She has some pretty interesting lore with some other league characters too.

Cat Purrson
12-03-2022, 06:42 PM
I've been playing League of Legends since the end of season 2! I'm a support main and my favorite League heroes are:

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12-03-2022, 07:23 PM
Ah, what a fun thread! I don’t think I’ve ever met a Skarner main, haha. I rarely ever see him besides in URF. I have been playing LoL since Lissandra was released(2013?) and they still did animated logins with theme music.
I miss those days. Honestly, League is worse for me than Neopets. I just can’t quit. I have never thought of it as my favorite game, yet I’ve played every single day for the past almost 10 years.
However, I switched to just ARAM, RGM and TFT modes a few years ago, just don’t have the mental capacity for full games of SR. Ive spent about $5k on this dumb game, most of it back when I was younger, but now only buy 5 skins a year probably, if they are really good.
Anyway, if anyone wants to add me my username is Xaya!

The Sinister Blade


Katarina has been my ride or die since day 1. She used to be Riot’s poster girl back in the days, but she’s still mine.
I just love her visuals, and gameplay, and I don’t care if she’s one of the “bad guys.” I do miss her gameplay from her second rework, I miss ward jumping, and spamming w. I don’t play her a lot anymore bc she just gets countered so easily these days.

Notable mention : Lux.

Lux is my second favorite champion, and the one I play the most. I feel like she does good in any meta.

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Most Hated:
Riot has really just been pushing out champs I detest, and I hate them because they are unfair, not bc I’m just bad at the game. (kidding)
Too many so it’ll be short and sweet.
Fizz and Zed. Used to be my perma bans but then came along others.
Sylas, Sett, Viego, Yone.
I feel like these 4 are just the definition of BS. I won’t get into it, but playing against them makes me just wanna ALTF4 before game starts.

12-27-2022, 04:51 AM
I miss old Katarina so hard.

These days I love Sona.

12-31-2022, 03:44 AM
For me its Twisted Fate and Jayce mid. I love the map control TF gives and I like the lane domination that jayce mid can have.

01-24-2023, 02:45 PM
always caitlyn

01-24-2023, 03:10 PM
Oh, I sadly have not played LoL in YEARS
Like, I played when it first came out and left it a few years after it did lol
Left due to a lot of reasons... ANYWAYS!

My favorite back then was Dr. Mundo
Hell, I even had a Neopets account named after him lol But it got iced


01-24-2023, 04:35 PM
Oooh I love League!

I main Morgana supp, (Morgana APC if we're being honest though ;) )
Also really love Nami and Jinx :D

03-13-2023, 09:45 PM
Gameplay wise I have a lot of fun using Vayne
Artistically speaking I love Yuumi (cat being cat)
Lore wise I really like the story of Sivir / Azir and the rest of Shurima. Wish they expanded on it more, but sadly it's been locked away until a new character reminds the devs that the region exists, lol.

04-08-2023, 09:36 PM
I've always liked Malzahar. Playing him and also just enjoy his lore, to be honest.

Least favourite is probably Teemo...because...Teemo

08-04-2023, 04:31 AM
I love spell caster mages like Lux, Seraphine and Brand

09-04-2023, 09:58 PM
for me it's Gnar & Nasus. I don't play league but I always watch my friends stream it, so my league character tastes are purely cosmetic, and not at all gameplay related lmao.

09-04-2023, 10:14 PM
I haven't played LoL in probably a decade but my favorite was Kog'Maw!
Squishy lil sniper bug guy lol. No idea if he's still played.

09-27-2023, 09:30 PM
i havent played this in a long time. but i think i played with Warwick alot. Reason being was it reminded me of my adventure quest days of the werepyre. Not much of a great character but great for a beginner like me back then lol.

11-06-2023, 10:20 PM
I haven't played in a hot minute! I like adc/support roles, anything bot lane lol but if I had to choose just one, I would choose Caitlyn. I love the e q combo and how much range she has. Great for poking!

11-21-2023, 01:14 PM
Well, my name goes pretty well with my main champion

When i first started playing LOL a friend of mine used to play with me and teach me, so he would always suggest i'd go support to be near me all the time by playing adc
At first, I hated Janna design and found her pretty boring seeing from outside. But when I first picked her oh boi.... love at first play. I always loved fast characters on any game, so it was no surprise that a movement boost character would make my style (back when her passive were global)

Jinx. As basic-alt-girl as it is.

She was the first champion released when I started playing and I felt in love with the login screen, the lauch video, the story, the voice acting, the design, the kit, everything!
So happy for Arcane to be revolved around her story c:

12-26-2023, 07:55 PM
vi is my babe i love her??? so much?? i don't really play jungle, but she's one of my go-to champs when i do. i'm mostly a support player and prefer enchanters, so i'm partial towards nami and soraka ~

Cat Purrson
12-26-2023, 08:05 PM
I've really been loving Seraphine, Nami, and Lulu a lot! Mostly Lulu for her massive shield when you run moonstone

12-27-2023, 12:01 PM
I've really been loving Seraphine, Nami, and Lulu a lot! Mostly Lulu for her massive shield when you run moonstone

yesss you get it!! that serotonin boost when you E someone who was just about to die and you save them??? or spamming ctrl 4

12-31-2023, 01:35 AM
My favorites are Darius, Urgot, Jax, Cho, Trynd, and Yas

I love Darius/Urgot/Jax the most as they comprise of my main pool for toplane.

01-06-2024, 09:15 PM
Been awhile since I've played League, but I can still say that my favorite League Champ is Orianna.
I definitely have a bias for Mid Laners and ADCs.

Aside from Ori, my favorite champs, in no particular order would be, Yasuo, Jayce, Ahri, Zed, Sett, Xayah, Jinx, Ezreal, and Akali.