View Full Version : [VB2008] Help With Shop Wizard

04-15-2012, 12:29 AM
I'm trying to make a program that can search a list of things on the shop wizard and grab the lowest price. However, I'm having problems modifying the text field for searching. I'm using the built in WebBrowser of VB. Any help with this matter would be GREATLY appreciated.


04-15-2012, 03:25 PM
Post the code you are having trouble with? :)

04-15-2012, 05:46 PM
WebBrowser.document.GetElementByID("item").SetAttribute("value", "Palm Fan")

I dont have access to the shop wizard HTML. This code assumes they give the search textbox an id= attribute.

I can write a snippet that find the textbox based on it's name= attribute. Basically you will loop through document.GetElementsByTagName("input")

04-15-2012, 06:38 PM
Upon typing up a rather lengthy reply I realized that I am a complete derp and forgot to change the browser page to the Shop Wizard page. :rolleyes:

I got it working using:

myWeb.Document.All("shopwizard").Value = "Palm Fan"

Thanks for the help :)

04-15-2012, 06:47 PM
Upon typing up a rather lengthy reply I realized that I am a complete derp and forgot to change the browser page to the Shop Wizard page. :rolleyes:

I got it working using:

myWeb.Document.All("shopwizard").Value = "Palm Fan"

Thanks for the help :)

OOP wise, that's not the best solution but it does work.

You are welcome