View Full Version : How much would my account be worth?

07-10-2019, 05:53 AM
It's on NA atm

Has the original Champion Riven, Riot Squad Singed, Judgement Kayle, Victorious Elise Morgana Sivir Maokai Graves and a bunch of shitty old skins

I might sell it but I'd trade it for an account with Victorious Janna who I missed.

07-10-2019, 09:48 AM
honestly if you go on account selling websites, league accounts when down the drain with prices... You can buy a plat account for like $90-$100 no matter the skins.
it's pretty sad to see cause I wanted to sell my account till I found out over 300 skins is worth like $50 now a days ;-;
It's all based on the rank of your account.. the higher it is the better it is, no one really looks at the skins..

This is all my viewpoint as what I was trying to find when I was looking for accounts.. it was sad tbh.. i wish you the best luck <3 i have no idea what the account would be worth!

08-23-2019, 09:18 PM
Yeah like above user said I think the most important factor is ranked and champions owned, skins don't matter THAT much.