View Full Version : Best way to Send NC?

12-11-2018, 12:33 PM
Found an account with about 6 NC Items I want on my main. Best way to send it?

Fake a trade?

The NC Is from an inactive account Last Seen Long ago.
With an Unregistered email last neomail goes back to 2015.

I normally dont touch NC but I do want these few items...

How would you go around moving them to your main?

12-11-2018, 12:35 PM
Fake a trade! Send a gbc or two over.

12-11-2018, 12:37 PM
I've sent them to my accounts directly with no shame.
If you own the original e-mail, and get frozen for some reason, you can always say that you came back and gifted your items to a friend.
They can't argue you about that.

(Neither I or my friends got frozen for random NC gifts from inactive accounts)

oh, they just freeze me once because I traded legally through the Boards.
Suspicious Activity.

12-11-2018, 12:41 PM
Moving NC is very safe. Often people work out a trade with one person and have someone else send the items so there is no way TNT can tell if it's a legit trade or not. I wouldn't worry. The only thing that *might* cause an issue is if you had like 30 populars sent at once to a random account, but even then I honestly don't think anything would happen. Moving NC is much safer than pets or NP items.

12-12-2018, 10:47 PM
I have tried and transferred like 20 items of NC populars at once before. I never got any issue with it or problem.

As what others have said. NC IS THE SAFEST OF THEM ALL.