View Full Version : Does TNT van for malformed headers/form requests?

10-05-2018, 02:02 AM
Thanks autocorrect, I meant ban in the title -.-

I’m playing around with making a neo program, and I was just wondering if anyone knew whether TNT flags accounts or IPs for using malformed request headers? I read through the guide by zachafer but I’m not sure if it’s out of date in relation to the headers, the request itself still seems valid.


10-05-2018, 08:32 PM
Which headers and how malformed? Spoiler if you need to.

I know I've send some pretty fucked up headers some times.

10-06-2018, 12:19 AM
Which headers and how malformed? Spoiler if you need to.

I know I've send some pretty fucked up headers some times.

It’s comforting to know that you’ve done it too :p

Nothing too major, though, just things like a login post request with weird content types, etc. (copying the wrong var into content type for example :p)