View Full Version : Rakan and Xayah

Mama Bear
04-22-2017, 06:15 PM
Has anyone tried playing with the new duo bot champs? My husband gifted me Xayah, and she actually fits my play style really well. I also like her sardonic, misanthropic personality...I just don't like her choice in mate, as Rakan seems like a douche. Anyway, the combo of W, R, E is so satisfying. Bitches just melt.

Both my husband and our best friend enjoy Rakan's kit, though it's pretty likely that he'll need to be nerfed.

04-24-2017, 06:42 AM
Xayah has been tearing it up and destroying every game I've seen since release. The ult dodging abilities is infuriating too

04-24-2017, 10:09 AM
Riot's New Champions Always seem to be just a bit on the op side when they come out.

Although I really enjoy the play style of both the new Champions, and love the synergy between the two as well!

04-25-2017, 03:27 AM
Idk how I feel about them yet. I really like the idea behind it, it's something fresh on the rift.
I'm expenting a nerf soon... let's see where Riot takes them.

04-26-2017, 05:19 AM
Well I see RIOT has taken a new step to create champions that synergies with one another. Xayah by itself is pretty good but with Rakan present, she's even stronger. Maybe we'll see more of such champs in the future

04-26-2017, 09:53 AM
I'm a Lulu main and I've laned with a couple Xayahs . . . so far I have NOT been impressed, don't like her as a lane partner. Maybe I've just had crap adcs but we lost a lot of 2 v 2 trades we should have won . . . would have won with any other adc so I was pretty peeved. Her auto's seem super week, apparently you have to pull the feathers back through to get the dmg or something?

All her animations are beautiful though. Haven't had the chance to lane against Rakan yet either.

Update: Xayah's burst seems broken as hell (it was the people I played with those first times lol), she can one shot me well before 6.
Rakan is also super annoying with Kalista especially or other adcs with dashes, but he's not really too bad.

04-27-2017, 09:40 AM
I have played them both on PBe, best to ban atleast 1 of them EVERY game. If your a good Rakan you can easily carry as Rakan in jungle. But if Xayah is open your in trouble if you know what your doing.

04-27-2017, 11:36 PM
her passive is twitches ult shes busted af all you need to do is build ad and 1 aspd item and she clears waves and deletes people ez thanks to god tier w e and r if needed

05-29-2017, 09:47 PM
I feel like Xayah's damage is a little bit too much right now, once they tone her down a bit she will be a very fun champion with a lot of potential. I'm glad they recently buffed Rakan, while he does have a lot of utility in his kit, his damage was very lackluster and his inability to reliably Q was horribly inconvenient.

06-01-2017, 01:14 AM
Xayah is strong as hell atm, needs a nerf urgent lol.
As a main support, I didn't really enjoyed playing rakan, I'll stick with my other supports

06-01-2017, 03:20 PM
i adore them? i love their aesthetics and interactions. they are pretty fun. xayah is pretty op atm tho, she's a huge damage dealer and nuker. rakan...i'm not too sure about him but he seems like a decent support.

Mama Bear
06-01-2017, 03:48 PM
Rakan saw his first professional play in the LCK last night. Always good to have a surprise pick.