View Full Version : Extremely Odd Request (OCE Server)

08-21-2016, 11:25 AM
looking for some gold + players to play with me, but not just play with me, I'm looking for people to one trick with me with odd champions nobody plays

I'm gonna do warwick, and I want to try find like maybe a yorick top and an urgot adc or something just odd laughable terrible champs nobody plays, wanna do ranked either this season or next season

we will probably do badly and this came to me in a random ass dream, but who knows (I'm terrible at league I got to diamond on a friends accounts last season as a rengar 1trick, but he was busted and nows hes not)

I'm currently levelling an account OneTrickWarwick on OCE, add me if you want

Mama Bear
08-21-2016, 05:05 PM
Decode Hey, my husband is a former NA plat player, but he hates ranked in OCE because of how toxic and afk-y it always is. He'd be interested though. Are you levelling that as a new account, or renamed an existing one?
He's a support main, but loves Yorick and would be interested in learning to toplane with him better.

08-21-2016, 07:26 PM
im leveling a new account since i only want to have warwick mastery

(and yes oce is super toxic especially in plat, literally just russian roulette on what team gets fb)