View Full Version : Boosting - NA server

06-02-2016, 04:32 PM
My smurf account is unranked, my main account is Diamond. I can duo queue boost Bronze/Silvers/Golds into plat pretty easily with my smurf.
I can also log your account and boost you if you wanted it done faster and easier. (I have never logged anyone elses account as of yet so we wouldn't be flagged for it)

Ideally I'd like to boost someone in exchange for lifetime clraik VIP. Most boosting sites charge an arm and a leg
eg. First site I checked charges 154$ USD to go from Silver V to gold V. Lifetime VIP is half of that.

06-02-2016, 04:53 PM
I am wondering if there is anybody that is interested in some league boosting? I am not looking to charge as of right now, just want to help out.

I have an account at platinum 5 right now so the lowest I can boost at the moment is gold, but I have another account that is not far from level 30 I could get up and use it to boost bronze/silvers.

I would only want to help people that are fun to play with and don't rage etc. I have played since s2, and I play the bare minimum ranked games each season to get my plat border. I mainly play normals where my MMR is much higher and the teenagers raging is much less frequent :).

Worst case scenario you win some games, you lose some games, you learn a little bit. My game knowledge is pretty high as well.

I wouldnt mind this. I am currently gold 4 and positive stats.

06-02-2016, 05:14 PM
I'm playing my smurf right now its level 16. It's got a bit to go. If you want to PM me your League name Ill add you to both accounts as I log in them

06-08-2016, 07:36 PM
Good luck - happy to help if needed.

06-08-2016, 08:15 PM
You're boosting people who are already gold only? Just trying to clarify because I'm interested if it's for lower ELO as well. I have no one to play with right now so I've beeing solo-que against teams of three or more. I get a lot of toxics, rage-quitters, afks.... etc. It's been very stressful playing ranked this season. My goal is Gold V, I really wish to have the Gold Skin.

I have a Smurf in my ELO and I would be willing to buy champions for it, too.

Hey, I actually spent the weekend levelling my smurf and got it to level 30 so I could help Bettser. I've been trolling around in ranked since then im 4-5 atm.. Tomorrow I will play the last game and lose and hopefully land around Silver V and then I can help you at any elo you are at !

06-14-2016, 01:01 PM
Okay, I'd love to play sometime :D I'll PM you my IGN !

06-15-2016, 07:46 AM
What was your highest elo?
Wish I could help as well, but I play on BR server.

06-15-2016, 01:59 PM
Hey, I actually spent the weekend levelling my smurf and got it to level 30 so I could help Bettser. I've been trolling around in ranked since then im 4-5 atm.. Tomorrow I will play the last game and lose and hopefully land around Silver V and then I can help you at any elo you are at !

Almost Gold 2 promos now lol. Its actually so easy once your pass gold 4.

06-15-2016, 02:36 PM
Almost Gold 2 promos now lol. Its actually so easy once your pass gold 4.

Oh awesome, you must have had a good run today.

06-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Oh awesome, you must have had a good run today.

Yea, I started to ADC again after playing top for like months lol.

Ill be on in a couple hours.

06-15-2016, 05:15 PM
Yea, I started to ADC again after playing top for like months lol.

Ill be on in a couple hours.

Id like to help you get to plat, and help nicole get to gold. My time has been limited lately I am working so much but I get a couple hours each night (My timezone is EST, toronto canada)

06-15-2016, 05:20 PM
Id like to help you get to plat, and help nicole get to gold. My time has been limited lately I am working so much but I get a couple hours each night (My timezone is EST, toronto canada)

Im near Toronto too lol.

Ill be on in 10 minutes.

06-19-2016, 08:39 AM
Bettser Nicole Annie12 This is my 1 day off this week I can put in some time to help you guys if you are around

06-19-2016, 08:57 AM
I've played since s1 but I've always been too scared to play ranked games

I tried starting s4? I think with my gf at the time and we won the first game easily then the second I got stuck supporting some awful adc and that kinda turned me off the experience 2v1ing bot lane on Thresh isn't fun.. lol

06-19-2016, 09:23 AM
I've played since s1 but I've always been too scared to play ranked games

I tried starting s4? I think with my gf at the time and we won the first game easily then the second I got stuck supporting some awful adc and that kinda turned me off the experience 2v1ing bot lane on Thresh isn't fun.. lol

At low elos just 1v2 bot with support garen big daddy style ! lol

06-19-2016, 09:29 AM
it wasn't even in elo I was just doing placement matches :(
better advice I think would be never play support, because relying on wood tier players to follow up on your initiation etc and make plays is a bad life choice

06-19-2016, 12:46 PM
it wasn't even in elo I was just doing placement matches :(
better advice I think would be never play support, because relying on wood tier players to follow up on your initiation etc and make plays is a bad life choice

Pick Morgana/Annie, get all the kills, build AP, win the game.
I only really started to play support (read mono-Thresh) on plat 5 to d3. Gold or below you will normally lose the game no matter what you do.

06-20-2016, 03:14 PM
Pick Morgana/Annie, get all the kills, build AP, win the game.
I only really started to play support (read mono-Thresh) on plat 5 to d3. Gold or below you will normally lose the game no matter what you do.

Yuck I tend to only play monsters or male champs, I did pick up annie recently she's pretty faceroll and morg is obviously bs with her snare and pool especially with thunderlords giving that extra burst with her pool now lol

I'll end up seeing where I place eventually I'm just not sure when that'll be :p

07-11-2016, 07:28 PM
Morg is king !

07-28-2016, 08:37 AM
I have a silver smurf I can help anyone with, peaked D2 last season (:

03-24-2017, 08:04 AM
Bump - Looking to exchange for VIP